Actor Vikram Massey announced his retirement from acting career, after 2 more upcoming films in 2025 citing family needs. From Balika Vadhu as a household legend to 12th Fail as a sensational celebrity, through his acting and performances he entertained the masses and gained recognition. His other works include Sector 36 and recently released The Sabarmati Report.
The Note: –
In a heartbreaking note on Instagram, the actor sited his need as a husband, father and son in his family and thanked his fans for all the love and support and bid farewell to the industry and to his fans. He also mentioned that he would meet his fans for last two times in his forthcoming movies in 2025.
Fans’ reactions: –
While the fans are in shock and surprise and bursting their hearts out in the comment section of the Instagram note, some are even admiring his bold decision and priorities, while some are also questioning and saying that it is a publicity stunt to attract attention for his upcoming film Zero Se Restart, which is set to be released on December 13.
Reasons for Retirement: –
Sceptics are suggesting that family needs and wellbeing lead him to take such a decision while others are also citing pressures from the Bollywood industry for such giant action. His recently released film The Sabarmati Report on Netflix on 15 November based on the Godhra kaand of 2002 is also in controversy and attracted threats which caused safety concerns for his family.
Upcoming films and future of Vikram Massey: –
As mentioned by Vikram himself in his Instagram note, he’s working on two films- Yaar Jigri and Aankho ki Gustakhiyan at present which according to him are his last two projects as an actor which are set to be released in 2025. It was not until recently when we got to see the acting skills of Vikram and immediately such decision is proving to be heart shattering for his audiences who wanted to see more from him. We are yet to witness what happens next from the actor’s side.
1 Comment
retirement at 37!!? it’s too early😞