3 Effective Nutritional Paradoxes that Aid Weight Loss


Weight loss through nutritional changes in the daily diet and by emitting a few things is everybody’s dream. Not all people have the knowledge in nutrition and food that it takes to lose that weight. 

Oftentimes people have fitness goals, in layman terms they may say that they need to lose weight or lose that fat but the things that it actually takes to lose weight is very puzzling and not very well known to them. They may obviously know the basics like calorie deficit, balanced diet, daily exercise, more protein, less carbs and so on. 

But the main question of WHY- Why is this particular thing important for my body while losing weight? Very few people try to be educated on that level. And the goat method for your particular body, physique and health all together can only be talked through with a proper nutritionist for proper analysis.

Some basic things will surely work for everybody in general but finding out what works best for you is the real deal. Think about it in a more goal oriented manner- you have 6 months to yourself to lose X kgs of weight. You have a set timeline, set goal weight but an improper plan that may or may not work for you. 

Think about how amazing it would be if you know what exactly would work with your body and see better results. Let’s break down a few very basic concepts of nutritional paradoxes that are effective in weight loss:

Consuming more to loosing more weight

The concept of eating more is referred to as increasing the nutritional value of the foods that you consume within short breaks. The idea is to keep the body moving using food rich in nutrients and accommodating meals and snacks at short intervals to avoid craving as you don’t have to wait much for the next meal. 

The role of inclusion of protein in the diet is as basic as a concept that we studied in school. Protein aids muscle building and lessens our appetite which eventually leads us to not be hungry or CRAVE in between the meals. People may be found using protein shakes just after physical exercises, it is to recover the muscle and satiate the instant hunger and the feeling of engulfing an entire bakery if possible. 

For e.g.: Eating a bowl of lean chicken breast along with vegetables is certainly a low calorie choice but rich in nutritional value. Evidently it is much better than a high calorie snack. It will keep you full due to the protein content in it. 

Importance of Carbs

Good carbs like whole grain and grains rich in fiber again keep the stomach fuller for a longer period of time and reduces the rate at which the food is digested to ensure the same. 

The requirement of good fats for our body is essential and so is our need for it. It keeps the body fuller due to its secretion of fatty oils and ads in boosting metabolic health.  Nuts and Olive oil are a few examples to be used as toppings etc.

For e.g.: Oatmeal as a breakfast option works well for a lot of people because it reduces blood sugar and a low calorie option. 


Drinking water on regular intervals is much more necessary than water itself. The type of water that you drink has a different reason to it. Warm water just after waking up aids the filtration of toxins, awakens our digestive system and makes us feel refreshed. Simple understanding, right?

Water before meals is to keep the capacity fuller, resulting in intake of lesser food and still feeling fuller. Hence it tries to curb the problem of overeating and indulging in other snacks to keep full.

A general suggestion to drink water throughout the day at regular intervals is important because water consumed all together at once to complete the daily water limit can keep you running in and out of the washroom.

Long gone are the days when people lost weight with just a clear focus on their exercises. It is much more important to understand your body by observing the cues and signs that it provides you by shifting diets. Inculcating a cheat meal or a little savory snack at the right time can mentally keep you strong throughout your journey- which is the prime responsibility. 

I'm content writer and I believe in the power of words to inspire change.

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