4 Things you need to know about Brain Eating Amoeba that killed a KERELA TEEN


On 29th Dec 2022, South Korea reports the first confirmed death case of amoeba that directly attacks the brain . Once again the rise of Brain Eating Amoeba known as : Naegleria Fowleri kills a 14 year old boy in Kerela.

According to the report , The infection is caused while bathing at nearby stream of water. The teen was hospitalized on 24th June 2024. The Brain Eating Amoeba (Naegleria Fowleri) is said to be fatal and could damage the brain tissue causing death within 10 or less days . with the chief complains of High fever , Extreme headache, , feeling nausea and vomiting


 “Brain eating amoeba” develops and multiplies in fresh water . Hot spring, pools, Pond, lakes are the spots that lacks chlorine which promotes the rapid growth. This brain eating amoeba could survive at high temperature, as high as 114degree.


Unfortunate to state, the brain eating amoeba could only be spotted by the visible symptoms.

If you are hoping to spot the amoeba with naked eye, I am sorry. It is impractical to spot  with bare eyes .

Though there are diverse type of this amoeba, among all NAEGLERIA FOWLERI is titled to be Fatal.

The existence of the silent killer, Naegleria Fowleri ,  in brain that caused death.

How the “Brain eating amoeba” attacks human?

 This inconspicuous killer manifests in warm water, rapidly multiplying and sitting tight for their next prey. The Brain Eating Amoeba makes its way through all the possible openings in human body. The most vulnerable spot while going into water is nostrils. Contaminated water with amoeba goes up to nose, Nostrils containing olfactory nerves is the direct way to the human body. The amoeba paves its way to the brain, where the infection takes the control rapidly. The Amoeba survives on human brain tissue.

As NAEGLERIA FOWLERI  attacks the brain, causing fatal infection known as Primary amebic meningoencephalitis.

once the amoeba reaches brain, it starts to deforms the bone situated at the base of the skull named as cribriform plate . As it affects the base, which is the most internal part of the skull, It ultimately affects the whole brain from inside. Every part of the brain – Ethmoid bone, sphenoid bone , temporal bone, frontal lobe and occipital bone will be affected

These are the areas that execute most functioning of brain and body. largely the frontal lobe. The survival of human is inescapable. Once infected by the “silent killer”

 Symptoms require 3 to10 days to be visible and diagnosable

The symptoms becomes visible in “mild form” at first, but takes no time to get worsen

High intense fever, Increased sensitivity to light, headache, nausea will start to surface in mild form. The rate is very rapid , symptoms like convulsions, hallucinations, confusion, loss of attention spam, loss of homeostasis and balance , seizures affecting the body, slow and slurred speech will be more prominent . In worst possible case , the person could go into the state of Coma

NAEGLERIA FOWLERI – the silent killer kills the prey very effortlessly, almost 96% of infected person stays alive only for 5-6 days max after visible symptoms

Regrettably , the bad news is there no possible treatment found for this fatal infection. Few Medication/drugs available to eliminate the silent killer (Amoeba)- Aithromycin, Amphotericin B , Rifampin, Fluconazole,, Dexamethasone, Miltefosine. The chances of survival is impossible

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says – between 1962 and 2021, just 154 people were infected by the Naegleria Fowleri

California reported the highest number of cases between 194 and 2026 followed by Texas and Arizona. from 2005- 2014, 335 reports of infection has been recorded in United states. The infection is nearly always fatal, with just four known survivors in the past 6 decades.

“PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE” – It is 99% Fatal, 100% preventable.


Myself Sourabh Mandal, a young enthusiast journalist who aims to inform, educate and entertain my audience with the news all around. A excellent Photojournalist and writer . I thrive on capturing compelling stories through the lens and pen. My work aims to not only inform and engage but also to evoke emotion and inspire change.

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