4 Ultimate Mindful Practices for Interns in a Workplace


Interns make up a good amount of chunk in the companies whether they are startups or well established companies.

Earlier internship was a new concept but since the world has started expecting experience requirements from the inexperienced or a chicks in the pond, there has been the boom of the concept of internships. 

Mostly internships are taken up by students who are either doing their graduations or post graduations. A lot of work and layman knowledge and the inculcation of the trends come from this start of the company due to their involvement in the upcoming generations much better than any other age group.

Not many interns are treated well no matter the size of the organization. In fact some of them might not even be provided with the necessary tutorial and handovers that might be essential to know the working and the programming of the company and its employees. 

And that my friend is a sign to leave and find a better leader who can provide better insights on the daring working world that has a lot to say to you and wants you to know better. A well read and knowledgeable manager or team lead is a once in a blue moon opportunity and shouldn’t go to waste at any cost. 

Note to the employers

Internships are for learning and building up skills for jobs on a fresher level rather than expecting interns to know what is to be done. Always remember that these expectations of expecting a “student” to work professionally in an apparent work culture which might be really amazing for you is distant lands for them because they just completed studies or are currently doing it. 

Surely the second internship is going to be better than the first one from their personal skill set point of view because of experience.  But making it unbearable for them and looking down on them does no good to any of you. 

Let’s have a look at a few mindful tips for the interns to survive in the environment whatsoever:

Invest in personal time

Always remember the goal behind the internship for yourself. It is to lay your hands on the professional workspace and try new things, software, websites, projects etc. so that you are well acquainted with the atmosphere of the professional world. 

Try to learn more from how the specific team or department functions, practice the tools well because the team will only put you out in the front once you are well equipped with what needs to be done. Ultimately think about it as a house where you can’t send your toddler to answer the door when the bell rings, because a grown up or a child who can speak clearly will be able to answer it clearly and in a proper manner. 

Mindfully pick the best learnings and refine them for you to work on them further, understand your niche and curate something better for yourself and your future. 

Task management

As an intern if you are lucky enough to have kind hearted people around you and are eager to make you fluent in your work- GIVE YOUR BEST SHOT. Not all of you get these bold stars in your companies. 

Whatever tasks you may have, align them priority wise, take in a deep breath and put yourself to work until it is finished. Review before submitting, that will save you some embarrassment in a room full of experienced people who might feel you to be less incompetent based on one mistake (you will find such people everywhere no matter the size and name of the organization).

Be punctual and save yourself the unnecessary stress. Always keep clear and adequate conversation among the seniors because they word travels faster and translates into something that can never be identified by you ever. 

Draw a line

Anywhere in the world, anytime of the day, anyone in front of you- don’t be afraid to say NO. Always remember that you are an intern and will not be catering to the company during odd hours regularly or completing anybody else’s work. Yes- this is very common.

Startups nowadays have found this amazing new way to exploit people who are looking out for experiences in forms of internships. They try to save their drowning businesses by appointing interns on a large scale on an unpaid basis and make them work for shorter period of time- which gives them a sense of longing that at least their entire day isn’t invested and they have time on their hands, so a few hours a day for a business seems okay. But what they miss out on is the work culture that they would be catering too. 

In such cases the companies do not have many permanent employees which makes their understanding as fickle as an inexperienced person. So they might ask you to work a few extra hours, complete someone else’s work, expect you to be shut in front of them even when they are wrong etc.- but you should have your proper boundaries maintained which can keep your mind sane to the opportunities to come. 

Learning and experience is what you get out of it in return for your expertise. Do not feel burdened that you hold the lowest position hence you are entitled to work for them under any circumstances. In Fact it is much more important to stand up for yourself much before it affects your peace. 

Reflect on your day  

Journal what drawbacks you face personally and professionally at work. Analyze the working that goes behind the projects and jot down how it can be better. Unfortunately if you belong to a team that could care less- keep it to yourself, it will help you in a longer run. 

 Next time when something similar happens you will know what to do and how to react to it. Practice gratitude for what you have and how you are able to manage everything together. 

Provide results in terms of the work that you do and everything extra that you learn comes back to your storage which helps you to use it in the times of need. 

I'm content writer and I believe in the power of words to inspire change.

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