5 Hair Care Secrets for Unbeatable Stronger Hair in Monsoon


Monsoon asks for a proper healthy diet, additional hair care and skin care. Not only to achieve stronger hair and glowing skin but also a healthy body in monsoon. The rains surely bring joy for everyone after the direct heat of the sun that has caused the skin to fade and burn in different ways. 

Hair care is just as important as skin care, because both these assets are the representation of our  body on the outside. If the body remains healthy on the inside, it will surely represent hints on the outside. Similar to skincare, hair care also requires internal nourishment of the body to support hair growth and good health of the hair.  Other aspects like cleansing of the scalp can be done by external application of advised products. 

When going out in monsoon; if it rains a bit, we come back with an oily scalp filled with greasy buildup; if we go out in the first rain, we come back with our hair drenched in rain water ultimately depriving us of our natural oils; if we go out before rains during the dust storm, we return with dusty and rough hair which are so difficult to deal with. 

If the hair is let to stagnate in whatever bad condition that they are in during monsoons, they surely deteriorate much faster than in other seasons. The roots may start to weaken, the hair may start to fall out, a single strand may start to split, the texture of the hair may change for the worse, the scalp may become really greasy and maybe infected due to undue buildup. Hence proper and regular hair care is necessary for healthy hair growth. 

Let’s have a look at some of the essential hair care tips for the monsoons:

Clean out Rainwater

Rainwater is bad for hair and is no hidden joke anymore. This creates a disbalance of scalp  ph that creates excessive sebum that causes buildup. Also the acidity level in this water is bad for your hair as it makes the hair rough,  hence it should be washed away immediately with a gentle shampoo. 

It can also be followed by a conditioner to nourish the length of the hair further. Later it must be dried using a microfiber or cotton towel because they have better and quick water absorption quality. 

Intake of Balanced  Diet 

A diet rich in Vitamin B12 , D, E, protein, biotin and iron is essential for new growth of the hair and to maintain good hair health. These nutrients collectively work towards hair growth, blood circulation and adequate nourishment to the hair. 

Water is the best option of the diet that promotes hydration. Consumption of all these nutrients in your diet collectively contribute to better hair health.

Detangle your Hair 

It is advisable to use a wide toothed comb because it avoids breakage of hair leading to split ends and loss of hair as well. Wet hair is sensed to be at the weakest hence they break very easily causing problems of hair loss during combing. 

Hair must be detangled once they are dry preferably with a wooden wide toothed comb to avoid breakage and hair loss. 

Use Correct Shampoo

There are types and types of shampoos in the market, natural ones  and full of chemical solutions as well. While choosing a shampoo your hair type with different aspects like coloured or not, scalp type, damaged or not, fungal infections or not etc, should be considered appropriately. 

Shampoos that work best during the humid seasons are clarifying shampoos. These shampoos focus on the scalp buildup and keep the scalp clean and fresh. These should not be used on a daily basis but surely once or twice a week.

Keep your Cut Fresh

Untrimmed ends cause tangled hair very often because the dry or damaged ends tend to get entangled with each other. These knots get stuck in between the comb teeth which further stretches and breaks causing hair fall. 

The easiest method to keep your hair safe is a perfect trim by removing the damaged or unwanted ones and keeping the healthy ones safe. It is also suggested to choose a haircut wisely , something that reduces entangling. 

Condition your Hair 

With the internal nourishment, hair also requires external help like oiling, conditioning, application of  hair masks etc. Warm virgin coconut oil for scalp massage before washing is an absolutely amazing conditioning choice as it conditions the hair, promotes blood circulation leading to hair growth and most importantly keeps the hair smooth and fresh. Another amazing choice can be applying fresh aloe vera extract with virgin coconut oil on the scalp to brush away buildup and promote hair growth. 

You can also use store bought conditioners and hair masks on a regular basis for a quick additional activity in your routine. 

Hair care against Infection

Using clean equipment for styling, fresh brushes and combs for personal use only, washed towels are a few basic things to practise for healthy hair. It keeps the hair free of any foreign particles that might harm them. 

Cleansing your hair, keeping it dry, and conditioning regularly are also a few tips to practise daily. Check for any unusual build up, more hair fall, dandruff or any other fungal infection and it is advisable to take it with your doctor to figure out any underlying cause. 

Haircare is just as important as any other type of care for our body. Hair is the crown of our body which surely holds our head high. Taking care of it stands as one of the prime responsibilities.  

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