5 Skincare Secrets in Monsoon for Radiant and Glowing skin


These skincare secrets can surely bring your skin to glow and enhance your skin health in no time. Home remedies, skin foods and dermatological recommended products when applied in moderation and with the right technique can bring out the best in our skins during monsoon. 

Monsoon brings relaxation and repose from the red hot summers that help calm our minds and bodies that have toughened from the impacts of the sun during the summers. The rains bring relief to our skin as well. After a few initial rains, they bring fulfilment to the crops for them to flourish and receive the purest form of water on earth. 

Some people may experience flare ups near their joints and red rashes due to the excessive sweat. Sweat is one of the factors to cause little bumps on the back and the neck. These bumps called prickly heat cause itchiness, inflammation and irritation that make the summers even more unbearable. A few people might advise to use talcum powder but its usage is not advisable when outside because sweat might even clog the pores further. 

Similarly, our face also goes through a lot during the summer times. It is one of the most uncovered parts of our body that faces all the seasons head on whether it be drying winter winds or acid rain or stroking summer heat. A few very common problems are sunburn, tanning, pimples due to clogged pores – just to name a few.

A few habits and remedies can help us keep our healthy skin intact during the monsoons as well. Have a look at the easiest remedies possible- 


Scrubbing away dead skin cells, dirt and bacteria from the face can help keep the skin absolutely clean and fresh during the humid and clogging season. It allows it to breath and remain youthful. Harsh exfoliants are ill advised but mild and light exfoliants a couple of times a week are advised. 

Cleansing with a mild cleanser or face wash is a must on a daily basis for a regular cleaning.


Toners are used after cleansing of the face in order to close the pores and avoid the entrance of foreign products into them which may further clog the pores and cause the bacteria to breed resulting in damaged skin. 

Light moisturizer

Cream moisturizers are often heavy and cause dewy skin finish which looks very radiant in the dry seasons but very greasy in the humid seasons. Whereas water based moisturizers are lightweight and do not make an additional heavy layer on the face and are easier to absorb.  

Hence water based moisturizers are advised to be applied on the skin after applying toner both during the AM and PM routine to keep it nourished in the right amount. This step must be followed by an SPF regime because sunscreen keeps the sun at bay and without it, our care goes to ruins. 

Skincare Secret- Apply ice 

Ice is an astonishing coolant that helps to calm the skin when applied after cleansing during the AM or PM regime. Applying ice to the face has an amazing effect causing tightening of skin and keeping the skin health intact thereafter giving a shiny finish without giving a dewy look.

Dietary advancements that can help you achieve better skin:

  • Staying hydrated with water based fresh drinks because sweating makes it difficult to retain water . It is even better to include electrolytes in the drink to enhance the retention after a physical workout or after any contact with sun. 
  • Advice to consume at least 2 small servings of citrus fruits as they are rich in water content, vitamins and fiber. In Fact they are low on calories . They act as an amazing source to stay hydrated and cool during the season. 
  • In order to keep your face healthy from within and for a better cleanse, blended and strained neem , ginger, and lemon shots can be consumed. 
  • The best and the easiest way to start the day with a natural coolant is chia seeds in water soaked overnight. It promotes hydration, curbs hunger and contains essential nutrients. Most importantly, chia seeds are rich in antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory. 
  • Avoid packaged, spicy food, sodas and fizzy drinks that may seem very tempting but end up increasing the production of oil outside your body. 

Additional Tip for a Common Problem

Prickly heat is basically pores that are sweat ducts that get clogged by dirt. Due to excessive sweating, they rise and promote inflammation and irritation. Cure is exfoliation with natural (coffee, baking soda)  or store bought products , followed by a cold shower, a good toner to close the pores  and later lather up some water based moisturizer which will calm the skin further. 

A healthy skin can only be achieved with changes from inside and outside the body. Once the body is replenished and enriched with the desired nutrients from inside, it becomes easy for the products to work wonders on the skin.  

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