Top 5 ways to lose weight fast and promote a healthy lifestyle


Weight loss is one of the major topics that is talked about all over the world. Obesity and Hypertension and chronic diseases is lowly taking over the world. In India itself, a whooping 70 percent people are obese making way for India in the top three obese nations of the world.

Loosing fat can be done by following a healthy lifestyle, doing regular physical activities, taking proper nutrition and having adequate sleep and rest. There are several myths and ill-practices associated with the concept as well, more common being the one like skipping meals or reducing your food to an extent that can make you sick.

Thus, this health article will dive deeper into the concept of , the methods you can follow which suits your body and lifestyle. And always remember, everybody is beautiful the way it is!

Walking for weight management

Top 5 ways to lose weight fast

There can be different ways to lose that extra weight however, there is no one tested formula for a body. Every person is different. Thus, you can opt for any method according to your preference.  

  1. Walking: Walking is an excellent source of loosing that extra fat and calories. It can benefit cardiovascular health and great for people who do not want to indulge in heavy workouts. It gives maximum benefit when done in morning and can even improve your mental health.
  2. Weight training and cardio- This is the most common practice people follow to. This can be done by using weight training equipments like dumbbells and using treadmill or other cardio machines. This method is quite convenient and create a sense of disciple in the person. It is great method if you like to do heavy workouts and do not have much prevailing illness.
  3. Dancing- It is an unusual yet a very effective way to do weight loss. A study suggests that one hour of dance can lose somewhere between 300-600 calories depending on the person. This method is for someone who loves to groove to rhythm and beats of music. You can easily dance your way out through this method.
  4. Swimming- Seems strange but swimming is an excellent way of losing fat. It can burn almost the same amount of calories that running does, without staring the joints. Therefore, this can be the method for you if you have joint pain issues. Apart from cardio, it can improve muscle endurance, tone and build muscles. It can make your heart and lungs strong too.
  5. Meditation- It can be surprising hoe mediation can aide weight loss. It involves focusing on mind and soul and relaxing your body. It can have an indirect effect on fat. It can encourage mindful eating and healthy lifestyle, instilling disciple. A key factor for reducing weight is cortisol levels. It is the stress hormone in our body. If body is stressed, weight loss can be tough even during proper exercise or diet. Meditation can also aid in sleeping.

Diet Control and promoting a healthy lifestyle

Diet is the most important factor in management of weight, even more than exercise. Many people have this misconception that if we do exercise and skip nutrition, weight loss can be done. However, this not true. There should be a proper balance between physical activity and nutritious food.

Role of diet in weight loss \ source: TOI

To lose weight one should be in calorie deficit i.e. consuming less calories that you burn. It is indeed difficult to count calorie intake in every food item. Therefore, one can strive small changes like consuming more protein and vegetables. Setting priorities and reasonable goals in important. One cannot lose weight in a fortnight. Lifestyle changes over a longer run are in vogue. Consuming healthy food and omitting junk food is essential.

One should understand that Weight loss and healthy lifestyle should come hand in hand.

Journalism and Mass communication student at VIPS, IPU

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