6 Tips to boost your metabolism


Meaning of Metabolism

Your body’s internal metabolic process is how it releases energy and burns calories. It works around-the-clock to keep your body moving, even when you’re resting or sleeping, by converting the food and nutrients you eat into the energy your body needs to breathe, circulate blood, develop and repair cells, and carry out all other vital functions required for survival, according to Harvard Health.

  1. Put strength training first

Adding strength training to your fitness is an important step to increase your metabolism . Even when at rest, lean muscular mass acts as a metabolic furnace to burn calories. At least two to three strength-training sessions each week are ideal. It might be as easy as using resistance bands, bodyweight workouts, or weightlifting at the gym. Do not forget that your goal is to develop a lean, mean metabolism rather than a bodybuilder physique.

2. Never miss a meal.

In contrast to popular belief, skipping meals can make your metabolism less efficient. When you miss meals, your body enters a state known as “starvation mode,” where it conserves energy and burns fewer calories. Put your attention on spreading out your meals into smaller, more frequent portions. To maintain a healthy metabolism, eat a variety of protein, good fats, and complex carbohydrates.
Keep yourself hydrated.

3. Keep yourself hydrated

Your metabolism’s strongest ally is water. Your metabolism may slow down as a result of dehydration, making it more difficult to burn calories. Don’t forget to hydrate before, during,
and after exercise, and aim to consume at least 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. You can increase your daily fluid intake by drinking herbal teas and infused water.

4. Soaking Almonds

The metabolism can be boosted by eating soaked almonds first thing in the morning. Magnesium in almonds is important for metabolism and energy production. Additionally, the process is improved by the release of several enzymes, including lipase.

5. Sleep for 7-9 hours in a day

Your metabolism can be increased secretly by getting more sleep. Sleep deprivation throws your hormones out of whack, making it more difficult for your body to control your appetite and burn calories. To assist your body in recovering and rejuvenating, aim for 7-9 hours of high-quality sleep each night.

6. Drink a mug of hot water

Every hour, sip on a warm glass of water to speed up your metabolism. Research argues in favor of your weight loss goals. According to a 2003 study, drinking hot water instead of cold water can help you lose weight. 500 ml of water before a meal improved metabolism by 30%, according to research.

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