7 Intriguing Benefits Of Consuming Amla Juice Everyday


Amla takes its name from the Sanskrit word ‘amlaki’, which means “Nectar of Life”.

Amla which is commonly known as Indian gooseberry is packed with nutrients such as Vitamin C, fibers, and numerous antioxidants such as Ascorbic acid, gallic acid, and phenolic components that offer multiple health benefits.    

Which makes the small green berries unique is that it has five distinct tastes: sour, pungent, bitter, sweet, and acidic. It enhances both mental and physical well-being. The reason why it has been identified as a miraculous medicine “Divyaushuda “.

Let’s take a look into some health benefits that Amla offers:

Improves Functioning of the Immune System

Amla juice is enriched with Vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant and protects the immune system by blocking certain types of infections. According to studies a single berry contains approximately 600 to 700 mg of Vitamin C in it. Vitamin C might boost the efficiency of the immune system while additionally protecting cells from oxidative damage. Additionally, the helpful antioxidants present in amla can reduce the duration of the common cold if consumed on a regular basis.

Maintains a Healthy Heart

Numerous studies have demonstrated that amla juice can improve certain aspects of heart health. A study showed that ingesting 500 mg of amla juice twice a day for a twelve-week period reduced the levels of total cholesterol, bad cholesterol, and triglycerides in 98 individuals with abnormal blood cholesterol level.

Enhances the Process of Digestion

Amla juice is packed with fibers which improves the process of digestion. Due to its fiber content amla facilitates digestion in the gastrointestinal tract by accelerating the breakdown of food by gastric secretions. As a result, it helps reduce gas and discomfort in the stomach.

Helps with Weight Loss

Studies have revealed that amlas has fat-burning properties. This fruit enhances metabolism, improves protein synthesis, and minimizes the amount of fat produced. It also supports fluid elimination as it improves diuresis and the removal of organic waste through urine.

It is effective for people with diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular issues as it is helps to control obesity.

May Stimulate Hair Growth

Amla juice is often used to improve hair growth and prevents hair loss. In a study involving forty-two individuals experiencing hair loss, daily application of a serum containing amla along with other ingredients such as coconut water and selenium to the hair for ninety days resulted in notable increases in hair thickness and growth. A study conducted in test tubes suggested that extracts of amla may increase hair growth by stimulating the growth of certain cells in hair follicles.

Promotes Skin Health

Amla is rich in Vitamin C which adds to collagen production, improves skin elasticity, and acts as a barrier against premature aging.

Consuming amla juice on empty stomach could leave you with a clearer complexion and will make your skin look younger and healthier.

Acts as an Effective Detoxifier  

Amla has cleansing qualities and can help in intestinal detoxification. Consuming amla juice on an empty stomach helps support a healthy gut, promote in the removal of toxins, and stop the build-up of toxic compounds in the body.

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