7 Pro Expert Tips for a Healthy Vegan Lifestyle on World Vegan Day


The World Vegan Day is celebrated every year on November 1 to spread awareness about the Pros of the vegan diet for Healthy vegan lifestyle and wellness.

Big purpose of World Vegan Day is to enlighten people about the benefits of a vegan diet for a healthy lifestyle. On November 1st every year the vegan organisations promote the vegan diet for future benefits of environment and health.

What is a Vegan Diet?

A vegan diet is a full plant based diet which excludes all animal based products such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products.Vegan diet also avoid products that contain animal supplements like honey and whey protein.

Vegan lifestyle has gained a lot of popularity nowadays because of various reasons.

On this World Vegan Day, there were so many different events held such as webinars, seminars, workshops the topic of this all events are based on Vegan healthy lifestyle, Vegan cuisine and advantages of being vegan.

History of Vegan Diet 

Date: World Vegan Day is celebrated every year on November 1

Theme: The theme of this year ‘World Vegan Day’ is “Celebrating for Good cause.’

History: World Vegan Day started on November 1, 1994, is when this ‘The Vegan Society’ to encourage veganism and plant-based diet by vegan animal rights activists Louise Wallis.

Significance: The purpose of World Vegan Day is to encourage and secure the rights of vegans,empowering individuals to become and remain vegans. Also work with lawmakers on different issues like climate change and sustainable growth of different sectors and expand selection of being vegan and vegan food in public areas and more.

The World Vegan Day is celebrated every year on November 1 to spread awareness about the Pros of the vegan diet for Healthy vegan lifestyle and wellness.

Benefits of a Vegan Diet

There are numerous benefits to follow a vegan diet:

  • Reduction of heart disease,stroke and type 2 diabetes: A vegan diet has less saturated fats and cholesterol all of these are helping to reduce these problems.
  • Lower blood pressure: Vegan diet supports blood pressure by controlling cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
  • Weight loss: A vegan diet is higher in fibre than normal diet and often lower in calories which helps in weight loss.
  • Gut health improve: A vegan diet includes fruits, veggies and whole grains
  • Lower risk of cancer: Some studies show that vegan diet lowers the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer 
  •  Sustainable Environment: Vegan diet is environmentally friendly than normal diet because it needs less land and water to produce plant based foods.

7 Pro Expert tips for healthy vegan lifestyle 

Following are 7 pro expert tips for healthy vegan lifestyle:

  1. Consume variety of plant based food: to get the all required nutrients you need to eat different from of plant based foods by all food groups
  2. Add sources of protein in every meal:Best plant based proteins are beans, lentils,peas,tofu,tempeh,nuts and seeds.
  3. Take enough Iron: Iron is important for RBC production. Better plant-based iron is beans, lentils ,peas,leafy green veggies etc.
  4. Enough amount of Calcium: For bone health calcium is an important mineral.Good sources of calcium are green vegetables and fortified plant milks. Also take vitamin D because it helps to absorb the calcium to bone and vitamin D you can get from sunlight, orange juice and cereals.
  5. Get Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is important for nerve function and RBC production and best way to get is nutritional yeast and fortified milks
  6. Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated is important no matter what diet you follow. However it’s much more important for staying hydrated for vegans because they are more likely to be deficient of iron
  7. Be mindful of what you are taking:Some vegan foods are unhealthy, they are high in fats, sugar, and sodium.It is important to know which foods are good for yourself and always  choose unprocessed and whole foods as much as possible.
The World Vegan Day is celebrated every year on November 1 to spread awareness about the Pros of the vegan diet for Healthy vegan lifestyle and wellness.

Some suggestions 

  • Always read labels by that you can identify vegan food and avoid animal based foods
  • Find supporting community by this you won’t feel alone and being in the group feels more comfortable and encouraging 
  • Always plan your food before the meals so that you can be reassured which nutrients you want and where to get them


Including a Healthy Vegan Lifestyle in your daily life with careful planning of what your body needs.By the following above 7 pro expert tips for a healthy vegan lifestyle,you can ensure that you will get all necessary nutrients from plant based foods.

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