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Modi's Popularity: Unpacking the 8 Drivers of his Appeal Img-iStock

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Economic Reforms

Modi's government implemented policies like GST and demonetization to boost economic growth.

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Infrastructure Focus

Initiatives like "Swachh Bharat" and "Gram Sadak Yojana" aimed at improving living conditions and connectivity.

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Decisive actions like surgical strikes and Balakot airstrikes strengthened perceptions of Modi as a strong leader on national security.

National Security

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Diplomatic efforts to enhance India's global standing through strategic partnerships

Foreign Relations

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Emphasis on digitization and providing digital services to citizens for efficient governance

Paul Sons, Art Historian  

Digital India

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Implementation of schemes like "Jan Dhan Yojana" and "Ayushman Bharat" for financial inclusion and healthcare.

Welfare Schemes

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Communication Skills

Effective use of social media and public addresses to connect with a wide audience

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Modi's decisive and strong leadership resonated with those seeking a leader capable of making tough decisions

Leadership Style

Anshul Shrivas

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