A Decade Under Modi Govt: Assessing India’s Transformation


Year 2024, An important one for India’s Political system. 

Lok Sabha elections are around the corner and we all know the 

What type of environment is created before any election in India.

Whole country is excited about the election and its result as it will lay the foundation for the next 5 years.

Modi Govt has been in power for 10 years and during these 10 years , the country witnessed various events, ups and downs, not to mention the pandemic years and lockdown. 


Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s guidance, India has experienced tremendous changes over the last ten years. With the goal of advancing India’s economy and international standing, the Modi administration has launched a number of initiatives, including social and economic reforms. Analyzing the accomplishments, difficulties, and prospects for the future of the Modi regime is essential as we look back on the last ten years.

Growth and Economic Reforms under Modi Govt

Economic reform has been a key component of the Modi government’s agenda. Aiming to increase economic growth, improve ease of doing business, and draw investments, initiatives like the ‘Make in India’ campaign, demonetization, and the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) were introduced. The outcomes of these efforts have been uneven. India’s intricate tax system was simplified by the GST, but demonetization was criticized for having a negative economic impact. Nonetheless, India’s GDP growth rate has demonstrated resilience, and the nation has become one of the major economies in the world that is growing the fastest.

Currently we are the fastest growing economy with predicted growth of 6.1% to 6.8% in year 2024 

Development of Infrastructure

The Modi administration has prioritized infrastructure development because it understands that it is essential to long-term, steady growth. To update India’s infrastructure and solve long-standing shortcomings, ambitious projects like building smart cities, railroads, and highways have been started. Improvements in sanitation and cleanliness have been made thanks to the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’, though obstacles still stand in the way of its full implementation, especially in rural areas. The construction of Statue of Unity, Ticket sale of 400 cr has been achieved from Statue of Unity. 

Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

It’s a fact that India never got deserving respect and recognition in 90s and in early 2000s as well,  but In last 10 years we have seen some significant changes in our foreign policy due to which today India has become a brand and India’s proactive role in addressing global challenges is reflected in programs like the International Solar Alliance and efforts to strengthen relations with major powers like the United States, France, Israel. 

Though we saw great and impeccable development under in last 10 years but there were times where the opposition raised its voice against the govt 

Civil Liberties and Democratic Erosion

The state of democracy and fundamental rights in India have come under scrutiny due to incidents of censorship, suppression of dissent, and limitations on the right to free speech.


A move which could have plotted in a more systematic way . On November 8, 2016, the government suddenly withdrew the ₹ 500 and ₹ 1000 denomination currency notes without allowing enough time for replacement. Massive pressure was put on the banking system as a result, resulting in growing lines outside banks for approximately two months. The middle class suffered badly during that time, Black Money can be in the form of anything, like kind or cash or any property. During Demonetisation the focus was only on currency notes that is liquid cash.

Healthcare and Social Welfare: 

Opponents claim that the government’s healthcare policies have failed to adequately address the healthcare needs of millions of Indians, particularly in rural areas, in spite of programmes like Ayushman Bharat. Attempts to attain universal healthcare coverage have been hampered by problems like inadequate infrastructure, a lack of access to necessary medications, and underfunding of public healthcare systems.

And Not to mention that during the Covid time, especially the 2nd wave our health care  system was badly exposed resulting in lack of proper facilities and lack of oxygen, the main reasons for the death of thousands of people.


The last decade of the Modi administration has seen tremendous advancements in many areas, along with noteworthy obstacles and critiques. 

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