Abhishek bacchan addresses rumours of divorce from Aishwarya Rai


Image source: Times now

In the past few weeks there have been whispers that Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai, Bollywood’s reigning king & queen, are heading towards a divorce. This was successfully dispelled by Abhishek Bachchan who felt the need to take to twitter to set the records straight. In a world where the media tend to focus on drama and scandal, the couple’s amiable and composed behavior underlines the need to confront rumor-mongers squarely.

A response to the rumours:

The rumors of their separation have been in circulation for several weeks, and various magazines and accounts on the social networks have been fanning the issue. The media got this hint and did speculate that Abhishek and Aishwarya were heading towards a divorce An article in the leading daily “The Hindu” reported that Abhishek retorted to these rumours in a single tweet; Many of you have asked me whether it is true that we are separating? Let me clarify it on record that I am still married to Aishwarya, and we are happy.Abhishek’s statement, ‘We are absolutely fine,’ was sufficient to dismiss any such speculations and proved that their relation is still strong and healthy. The actor’s response was popular and liked by fans and followers who always appreciate the couple and their relationship.

History of rumours and public scrutiny:

Both Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai are celebrities who are one the peak of their career and thus subject themselves as open targets for scrutiny. Since the time this couple tied the knot back in 2007, they have been in the limelight both, for their careers as celebrities as for the personal life events. There have been revelations at different times concerning the reality of their conjugal happiness or lack of it to matters concerning Aishwarya’s career and acting career.This has been particularly due to their fame, and the public limelight that they often give to their relationships. But the couple has always kept mum and it is only when they are forced that they comment on such matters.

Impact of media speculation on celebrity relationship:

Again, the media speculation is affecting the celebrity relationships with great magnitude as showcased in the episode. Most of the time, rumors adversely affect the concerned persons when it is spread through social sites and through other means of North American communication. Pop culture relationships – and celebrity relationships especially – are particularly vulnerable to such attention and gossip.According to an analysis of India Today, rumors can put too much pressure and stress celebrities mostly because the implications of such rumors affect people in their real life and their relationships. Very often they cause misunderstandings and divisions between partners, which is why responsible journalism and less sensationalizm should be a rule.

Abhishek and Aishwarya’s approach to handling rumours:

Ever since they got together, Abhishek and Aishwarya have shown a lot of understanding and responsibility where media concerns are concerned. This way they have been clearing those rumors and have shown good example to other celebrities on how they should do it. By their strategy, they not only assist in the process of eliminating rumors but also build up a good relationship with the viewers.Furthermore, they are not shy to publicly claim each other proving that they are loyal to each other and fully aware of the responsibilities that come with being in the public limelight.


The recent News that Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai are planning to take divorce is yet another blow that brings to reality that Media interference is asocial fact in the lives of celebrities. But it is equally probable to overnight this couple as sensible and cautious and it also points trust and communication as the foundation of any couple connection. While viewers will undoubtedly remain loyal and continue idolising the couple, it is crucial to recall false narratives effects as well as the media’s duties and its honesty.

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