33,000 Lost their life to Air Pollution. 10 cities with high pollution rate.


The issue of Air quality is raised every year. A recent study published by The Lancet Planetary Health stated critical impact of air pollution in India. People dying due to smoking is less than the people dying with chronic illness due to Air contamination. The data reveals death of 33,000 (per decade) people across 10 cities from India alone.

World Health Organization (WHO) standers reveals massive death troll of 33,000 linked with air contamination per decade. Air pollution giving rise to numerous type of health complications reducing the life expectancy gradually.

10 Cities having maximum air pollution

whether you take 1ml of poison or 10ml of poison, death becomes prominent. Some cities in India are marked with maximum air contamination. India stood 3rd position globally

The Map (above)shows the overall quality of air different state/cities in India. and the list (Below) shows the worst cities to reside.

Factors contributing to Air contamination

The burden on recourses per person is increasing as the population is increasing, With the massive population of 141.72 Cr. Industries contributes to 50% of total air contamination. Vehicles contributes 27%, Crop burning contributes 17% and Domestic cooking contributes 7%.

How clean your air is?

Breathing in unhealthy level of PM2.5 contributes to various health issues like asthma, Cardiovascular disease, pulmonary diseases and low birth weight.

Delhi and Mumbai are the most polluted city according to 2023 reports. The air quality index shows 205 (Delhi) and 115 (Mumbai). Breathing in these cities is just like inviting your own death.

Severe consequences of Air pollution

  1. Lung Cancer.
  2. Cardiovascular Diseases.
  3. Premature Death
  4. Birth Defects
  5. Reduced lung cancer
  6. Neurological Disorders
  7. Skin Problems
  8. Chronic inflammation
  9. Genetic Mutations
  10. Reduced Fertility (Both in males and females)
  11. Eye Damage and Irritation

How to tackle Air pollution

The issue seems big, but if each one of us takes responsibility and accountability for what what we do, we can tackle it very easily. Next time instead of taking your own vehicle, travel in public transport. Such small steps can show effective results in a year.

Listed down some simple steps that every individual must follow

  1. Plant trees. The most effective way to tackle the issue is to plant trees. Planting trees will not only help with improving air quality but also help in restoring the balance of ecosystem.
  2. Stuck in traffic? pay attention “you are the traffic”. Traveling in owned vehicle contributes more carbon footprint than traveling in public transport.
  3. Switch to clean energy. Using renewable resources like solar, Wind, hydroelectric, this will reduce the dependency on fossil fuel.
  4. Reducing waste – More than half amount of waste generated, ends up in landfill, which is burnt fine. The unburnt particles travels in air causing health complications.
  5. Avoid single use plastic. Plastic is both ban and boon for humans. As the table turns, plastic is more harm than being good.
  6. Restrictions must be imposed on the industrial sector as it contributes a large amount (50%) of total air contamination.
  7. Constant monitor of Air quality- Monitoring and finding the cause of air pollution is more important now than ever.
  8. Implement 3’R – Reduce, reuse and recycle.
  9. Awareness – The future is in the hands of our youth. Educating the upcoming generation seems the best possible idea. Educating them about the health complications and effects of air pollution will encourage them to come up with innovative ideas.
  10. Restoring Coral Reefs. Almost 65% of the oxygen is produced by the coral reefs. Coral reefs regulates the amount of carbon dioxide. Coral reefs absorbs carbon from the atmosphere and turns into calcium (their own shells). Coral reefs has potential to improve the climatic conditions by reducing Green House Gas effect.

“Air pollution is a silent killer that demands our immediate attention and collective action.”

Myself Sourabh Mandal, a young enthusiast journalist who aims to inform, educate and entertain my audience with the news all around. A excellent Photojournalist and writer . I thrive on capturing compelling stories through the lens and pen. My work aims to not only inform and engage but also to evoke emotion and inspire change.

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