Author: Aditiya

In my own quiet contemplation, I observe the world with a keen eye. Though introverted by nature, I do possess a burning curiosity that compels me to delve into the depths of knowledge and chase the thrill of innovation. When not engrossed in a captivating book, I can be found unwinding with captivating series or movies. However, I have a hidden desire to step out of my shell and ignite conversations. Journalism beckons, offering a platform to share my insightful observations, compelling ideas, and a talent for capturing the world through photography.

Sunscreen’s effectiveness in protecting skin health is rooted in its ability to combat the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. It isn’t just for beach days. Dermatologists unanimously recommend daily sunscreen use, regardless of the weather or season. While we know it protects against sunburn, the long-term benefits for your skin’s health are truly remarkable. Here’s a closer look at the science behind its benefits: UV Radiation and Skin Damage UVB Rays: Primarily responsible for sunburn, tanning, and immediate skin damage. They directly damage DNA in skin cells, leading to mutations that can contribute to skin cancer.…

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The world is facing a dual challenge: an aging population and a warming climate. This combination is creating a perfect storm, putting millions of older adults at increased risk of heat-related illnesses and death. How the Heat Wave is a threat to older adults The deadly heat wave that gripped Asia in April and May 2024 is a stark reminder of the dangers. Similar events have been witnessed in the US and Europe, highlighting the global nature of this threat. Why Older Adults are Vulnerable Several factors make older adults particularly susceptible to heat stress: A Growing Problem: The number…

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Selena Gomez, a multi-talented actress and singer, has taken the world by storm once again, but this time, not on the stage or screen. Her creation, Rare Beauty, has been recognized by Time Magazine as the Most Influential Company of 2024. This achievement underscores the profound impact the brand has made in the cosmetics industry and beyond. Founded just four years ago, the brand has achieved remarkable success. It has become a top seller at Sephora, a prestigious cosmetics retailer, with a global presence in 36 countries. This brand’s financial performance is equally impressive, with annual sales experiencing a phenomenal…

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The press release unveils a promising collaboration between Wipro, a leading IT services company, and the Centre for Brain Research (CBR) at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). This partnership signifies a significant step towards leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data analytics to revolutionize healthcare behavior and disease management. Focus on Chronic Health: The collaboration aims to tackle a major global challenge – chronic health conditions. These long-term illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, pose a significant burden on individuals and healthcare systems worldwide. The press release highlights the aim to develop “precision support” through AI, suggesting…

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