Author: Aditya

I am a student pursuing Masters in Diplomacy, Law and Business from OP Jindal University. I have a keen interest in geopolitics, risk analysis and data visualization.

Introduction The pursuit of nuclear capabilities by China and North Korea poses a significant challenge to global efforts aimed at nuclear non-proliferation. Nuclear development plans are a defining characteristic of both China and North Korea. China carried out its first nuclear development plans in October 1964, while North Korea carried out its first nuclear tests in October 2006. Since conducting their initial nuclear tests, the two nations have progressively expanded their nuclear development plans. Despite their 1994 and 1996 admission to the CTBT, China and North Korea have persisted in their nuclear proliferation endeavours. The Pentagon’s most recent report states…

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HOW THE DIPLOMATIC CHANNELS ARE MORE IMPORTANT TO SOLVE SOUTH CHINA SEA DISPUTE RATHER THAN LEGAL JUDGEMENTS? INTRODUCTION The South China Sea dispute involves claims to islands as well as maritime areas, such as reefs, banks, and other sea features. It also involves the Spratly Islands, Paracel Islands, Scarborough Shoal, and multiple Gulf of Tonkin boundaries. The disputed sovereign states are Brunei, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, and People’s Republic of China. The People’s Republic of China claims most of the area enclosed by the nine-dash line; these claims subsequently overlap with claims to the exclusive economic zones of Brunei,…

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