Author: Agnidipto Chakraborty

In a scene reminiscent of the cat-and-mouse games between US and Soviet submarines during the peak of the Cold War, a US submarine surfaced at Guantanamo Bay just one day after a Russian nuclear submarine docked in Cuba. According to the US Navy, this was part of a routine mission. The US nuclear-powered submarine USS Helena arrived at the US base in Cuba a day after a Russian Navy flotilla, consisting of a frigate, a nuclear-powered submarine, an oil tanker, and a rescue tug, reached Havana Bay for maritime drills. The arrival was described as a “routine port visit” by…

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The new system which could bring a ‘sea change’ in regards to antibiotic use when treating urinary tract infections (UTI), was awarded £8 million. The prize was awarded after a decade-long search in the fight against superbugs, the test having the ability to identify how to treat a urinary tract infection in 45 minutes. The judges said that they were looking forward to the change it would bring in antibiotic usage as they announced the winner of the Longitude prize on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a condition where medications used to combat infections become ineffective, is an increasing…

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Palestinian militant group Hamas has submitted amendments to the proposed deal for a ceasefire in Gaza. The response was given to mediators in Qatar and Egypt, and while it is not an outright acceptance to cease all hostilities, it keeps them open to further negotiation. Israel however has had a different reaction to the deal, viewing the proposed amendments as nothing short of a rejection. Hamas officials have reiterated that they have only brought forward longstanding demands not included in the current treaty. This will be an important period for the eight month war going forward as Israel deals with…

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In the most recent four day European Union Parliament elections, far right parties made massive gains shaking the established power structure. The elections, held every five years, indicate the public sentiment and have implications for EU policies and governance for the following time period. After facing defeat at the hands of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, French president Emmanuel Macron leading his pro European centrists called for snap legislative elections.  National Rally emerged victorious after securing over 30 percent of the vote which was nearly double the amount for the centrists who garnered less than 15 percent of the votes.Le…

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A senior official of the Biden administration made a statement on Friday that in the case of no change in nuclear strategy by China or Russia, the United States will be forced to expand its nuclear arsenal. The statement comes after decades of arms control agreements aimed at reducing nuclear weapons, although they have been mostly abandoned. The statement made by Pranay Vaddi, who is a senior director in the National Security Council, was the most explicit warning that the US has made expressing its intention to expand its nuclear arsenal instead of merely modernizing the existing weapons. This statement…

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Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Wednesday that countries supplying weapons to Ukraine will face similar retaliation. He claimed that Moscow could return the favor against Western targets by supplying long range arms to areas from where they could be targeted. On this occasion when he held the rare press conference to international media, he was quoted saying “If someone believes it’s possible to send such weapons to a war zone to attack our territory and cause issues for us, then why shouldn’t we have the right to send our similar weapons to regions where we can target significant locations…

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Boeing launched its Starliner capsule carrying two test pilots for the first time on June 5. The company became the second taxi service for NASA after SpaceX with this monumental achievement. The capsule was mounted on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket that took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, heading for the International Space Station. The trip is expected to last 25 hours, with an expected time of arrival at the ISS approximately 9:45 pm IST on Thursday. The astronauts will spend over a week in the orbiting satellite laboratory before once more climbing aboard the Starliner for reentry…

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A Syrian man was arrested after a shooting near the US embassy in Beirut during an attempted attack, reported the Lebanese army.  The US embassy confirmed that all its personnel were safe. The attack took place amid rising tensions between the Hezbollah militants and Israeli troops which has been going on for months. The conflict has displaced thousands along the border and created years of political stagnation as well as economic hardship. The embassy, which is situated in the north suburban area of Awkar, was assaulted with gunfire by a person of Syrian nationality, claims the Lebanese army on X,…

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A Ukrainian government official claimed on Monday that Ukraine had successfully targeted a Russian S-300 missile system using Western sourced arms within Russian territory. Minister Iryna Vereshchuk posted on Facebook a picture allegedly depicting the hit missile system with a caption “it burns beautifully”. He further claimed that the attack was accomplished successfully in the “first days” after gaining the ability to use western weapons in Russian territory. The image comes into light just days after US president Joe Biden gave Ukraine limited permission to carry out strikes with weapons supplied by them in Russian territory around Kharkiv. This decision…

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China’s Chang’e-6 lunar Probe landed on the far side of the Moon at 06:23 Beijing time on Sunday. Launched on May 3, the probe landed in the South Pole-Aitken Basin according to the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA). The mission’s aim is to collect rocks and other material from this region for the first time in history. The probe will collect ancient rocks from the huge crater on the South pole of the moon which might be the oldest samples ever recovered. The landing was extremely risky as it was very difficult to communicate with the probe once it was…

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