Author: aishwarya

While it rescues us from the scorching heat of summer, on the other side, it gets really humid, moist, and all those other things your nails just despise. Continuous exposure to water, damp conditions, and fluctuating temperatures can leave nails fragile, weak, and even subject them to infections. Well, fear not, for here come expert-approved tips to help you keep your nails healthy and strong throughout the rainy season. Keep it Dry and Clean Excess moisture during monsoons makes the nails more prone to fungal infections and weak. Make it a habit to dry your hands and feet the moment…

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Leather shoes remain unbeaten as the best choice for men’s footwear in terms of timeless elegance, durability, and versatility. The 2024 market serves a great variety of choices for all tastes, from classic designs with modern comfort. Here is your pick-from office to formal to casual outings: Top 10 Best Recommendations. Bata Black Formal Shoes The brand ‘Bata’ is respected for quality and reliability. Black formal shoes by Bata are something each man needs in his wardrobe. Sleek in design, polished to perfection, these shoes are apt for business meetings and formal events. The cushion in the insole makes them…

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Thyroid swelling refers to the visible enlargement of a thyroid gland, located at the base of the neck, more colloquially referred to as goiter. It is an important organ in the endocrine system. It produces hormones responsible for one’s metabolism, growth, and development. It has many causes, but in most cases, it acts as an alarm to some internal malfunctioning of the gland or general health. Causes, symptoms, complications, and treatment options-all related to thyroid swelling, will be discussed here. Causes of Thyroid Swelling Iodine Deficiency Iodine deficiency is among the most common causes of swelling in the world. Iodine…

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It can be everything from an annoying pang to a disabling pain that makes you fall down and prevents you from going on with routine conditioning. Fortunately, yoga can be effectively used as a perfect way of controlling and reducing back pain, considering a variety of gentle stretches, strengthening exercises, and also relaxation ways. Then are five easy yoga asanas or acts which help you get some relief and keep your chine healthy.  Cat- Cow disguise Marjaryasana- Bitilasana Through the Cat- Cow disguise, the chine is gently warmed up, pressures released, and inflexibility increased. Also, it’s vastly helpful for lower…

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Mental health disorders, such as major depression and anxiety, have been rising over the years at this rapid modern pace. For many reasons, emerging research is showing a surprising suspect in our food. The accumulating evidence suggests that diet could be playing a pivotal role in our mental health, having an effect not only on physical well-being but also on mood, emotion, and mental state. This article depicts the relation between diet and mental health, how diets can actually contribute to triggering or alleviating symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Gut-Brain Axis: An Overview The relationship between diet and mental…

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A perfect morning oral hygiene routine is much more than just brushing the teeth—it is a process that gives you the guarantee of a healthy, fresh mouth throughout the day. Dentists propose a series of steps to comply with every respect concerning oral health, starting from caries prevention to the maintenance of fresh breath. Here’s a step-by-step guide on the ten things you need to do in the morning for perfect oral hygiene. Floss First The chronological process most people follow through in oral hygiene is that they first begin with brushing. Dentists, however, advise to start with flossing. When…

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Sometimes life can feel like it’s on a rocky course through an emotional rollercoaster. Whether it be the sting of rejection, the ache of loss, or the overwhelm of anxiety, difficult emotions are part and parcel of the human experience. Though it totally makes sense that you would want to push the feelings away, learning to validate it is a key move forward. Understanding Emotional Validation Emotional validation is allowing for one to understand and accept the current state they are in without passing any judgment. Only then will one get the permission to feel what exactly is being felt,…

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Tea is a beverage, but it is also an experience, ritual, and comfort for many. Knowing the main types of teas and when they are best had can make a huge difference in the experience one has with tea. This guide will walk you through the most popular types of tea and give you all details on when each is best enjoyed. Black Tea: The Energizer of Mornings This the most full-bodied and strongest of all teas. High in caffeine, it is ideal for getting your morning started off on the right track. With this robust flavor, it is suitable…

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smoking is associated with many life-threatening diseases, the most predominant being heart diseases. From the ignition of the very first cigarette to the very moment of the attack, it is a process of hazardous chemicals, destroyed blood vessels, and elevated risk factors. Knowing how smoking affects the heart and ways to lessen these effects is very imperative to those who wish to live a healthier, longer life. The Harmful Ingredients in Cigarettes In a single cigarette, there are over 7,000 chemicals; many of these pose a significant risk to the human body. Of these, the ones that mostly affect cardiovascular…

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