Author: Angela Sareen

A passionate wordsmith with an insatiable curiosity for the world around me and an avid reader ready to devour everything from classic literature to cutting-edge journalism. As an aspiring individual, I keeps my finger on the pulse of current events, always eager to uncover the stories behind the headlines.

President Joe Biden’s recent presidential debate performance against Donald Trump has raised questions about its potential impact on the 2024 election. While historically a single debate rarely determines an election’s outcome, as exemplified by Ronald Reagan’s 1984 recovery, political analysts are considering how Biden’s showing might influence voter perceptions and campaign strategies. During the 90-minute exchange, Biden at times appeared hesitant in articulating policy positions and responding to his opponent’s critiques. Trump, in contrast, maintained an assertive presence on stage, focusing his attacks on issues such as inflation, crime, and border security. Aftermath of the Presidential Debate Post-debate reaction witnessed…

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