Author: Ankita.bhardwaj

CBSE Unveils New Exam Policies: A New Era in Examination Board Policies: Understanding the Latest Changes Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has recently announced some major changes in the examination board policy which has created a spark discussions and debates about its possible impact. Let us dive into the main updates and their implications for academic landscape. Major changes of CBSE in 2023-24 CBSE has introduced several key one’schanges to the pattern of board exams that take into account feedback from stakeholders. Here are the main updates: Looking ahead, the government is going to introduce the board exam format…

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Understanding the Implementation of the Change of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is a controversial piece of legislation passed in India in December 2019. The Act provides path to Indian citizenship for illegal migrants who are Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan who entered India on or before December 31, 2014. The implementation and impact of the CAA has sparked widespread debate and protests across the country. CAA background The CAA seeks to change the definition of illegal immigrants for Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian immigrants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan who faced…

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The aviation industry is increasingly focusing on sustainability, and one key area of ​​innovation is sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). As concerns about climate change and environmental impact continue to grow, the development and adoption of SAF has become a critical part of the industry’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate its environmental footprint.  Understanding Sustainable Aviation Fuel What is Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)? Sustainable jet fuel, also known as bio jet fuel, is a type of fuel derived from renewable and sustainable feedstocks such as agricultural residues, waste oils, non-food crops and algae. It is designed to replace conventional…

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Lakshadweep vs Maldives: Will Lakshadweep replace Maldives? India and the Maldives have traditionally enjoyed warm relations based on historical ties, cultural and trade exchanges and strategic security cooperation. But the veneer of cordiality began to crack after the election of Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu in 2023, signaling a potential shift in diplomatic focus to lean toward China. This undercurrent emerged on January 5, 2024, when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s idyllic vacation photos from Lakshadweep sparked unexpected fury in the Maldives. Geographic overview Tourism statistics The success story of tourism in the Maldives Advantages of Lakshadweep Islands: Lakshadweep Islands Restrictions:…

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Gaza Vs Israel War: History and Conflict: The Gaza-Israel conflict is a localized part of the Israeli-Palestinian struggle that started in 1948. Right here are some key points about this ongoing struggle: Historical context: In 1948, approximately 2000 Palestinians fled or had been pushed from their homes and settled within the Gaza Strip as refugees. Since then, Israel has engaged in 15 wars against the Gaza Strip. Wars and key events: Humanitarian effect: These conflicts have precipitated monstrous struggles, civilian casualties, the destruction of homes, and displacement. Unemployment charge: The unemployment rate in Gaza remains high, with nearly half of…

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Understanding Electoral Bonds: A Transparent Mechanism for Political Financing Electoral Bonds area relatively new financial instrument introduced in India to streamline the political process financing. These bonds were introduced to bring transparency and accountability to financing political parties. Let us dive into the details of electoral unions, their purpose and impact on politics. Landscape in India. What are Electoral Bonds? Electoral bonds are interest free bearer instruments that can be purchased by any Indian citizen or company from specific branches of authorized banks. These bonds are like promissory notes and used to make donations to political parties. The donor can…

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The Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, India, transcends a mere temple construction project. Itembodies a centuries old land dispute, fuelled by religious beliefs, politicalmachinations, and the quest for social justice. This case study delves into thehistorical context, legal complexities, socio-political ramifications, and potential futureimplications of this monumental saga.Historical Genesis:● Ayodhya’s disputed site holds pivotal significance for Hindus and Muslims. Hindusbelieve it’s the birthplace of Lord Rama, venerated as a divine figure. Muslims claim ithoused the Babri Masjid, a 16th-century mosque.● Centuries of coexistence gave way to tensions, culminating in the Babri Masjid’sdemolition by Hindu nationalists in 1992, triggering nationwide riots and…

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Introduction:Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has revolutionized India’s digitalpayments landscape, promoted financial inclusion and transformedeveryday transactions. As we delve into 2024, this case study analysesthe key trends shaping UPI’s trajectory and explores its potential impacton India’s digital economy. Growth dynamics:UPI transactions continue to grow and will cross 7 billion monthlytransactions in 2023. This exponential growth is expected to reach 10billion by the end of 2024, cementing UPI’s dominance in digitalpaymentsFactors leading to this growth include: New trends:● Beyond peer-to-peer: While P2P payments remain the core, UPI isevolving into a comprehensive financial platform. Functions such as billpayments, insurance purchases and investments are…

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Introduction:In recent months, India has witnessed one of the largest and mostsignificant grassroots protests in its history. Farmers from differentparts of the country, primarily Punjab and Haryana, have taken tothe streets to voice their concerns and demand changes toagricultural policies. These protests have brought into focus thechallenges faced by farmers, the backbone of India’s economy, andhave sparked conversations about the need for agricultural reformsthat prioritize their welfare.Background:The protests stem from the passing of three agricultural laws by theIndian government in 2020. The laws aim to liberalize theagricultural sector, providing farmers with more options for sellingtheir crops beyond traditional government-regulated markets.However,…

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Introduction:Pakistan, a land blessed with diverse natural resources, is currentlyfacing numerous environmental challenges. One of these challengesrevolves around the Ravi River. Once a lifeline for the people ofPunjab, the Ravi River sadly finds itself in trouble today. Due tovarious factors contributing to its pollution and degradation, thegovernment of Pakistan has taken a bold step: banning any activitiesthat harm the river’s ecosystem. In this article, we will explore thereasons behind this ban, its impact, and the measures being taken torestore the Ravi River to its former glory. Environmental Concerns:The Ravi River, originating in the Himalayas and flowing through thePunjab region, has…

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