Author: disha_maloo

I am a student with big dreams of becoming a content writer and journalist. Growing up, I was always captivated by the power of words. Currently pursuing a degree in journalism, digital media,English honours, and honours with research, I spend my free time honing my writing skills and exploring various storytelling techniques. With a thirst for knowledge and a drive to uncover untold stories, I am eager to make my mark in the world of journalism and content creation.

Source: ADHD Evidence Project In today’s fast-paced world, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) continues to be atopic of interest and concern for individuals, families, and communities worldwide. From itssymptoms to treatments and unique insights, understanding ADHD is crucial for fosteringsupport, empathy, and effective management strategies. Defining ADHD: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects individuals’ ability to pay attention, control impulsive behaviors, and regulate their activity levels. It’s typically diagnosed in childhood, although symptoms can persist into adulthood. There are three main subtypes of ADHD: Diagnosing ADHD involves comprehensive evaluations by healthcare professionals, includingpsychiatrists, psychologists, or pediatricians, who…

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Source: Washington PostIn recent years, tattoos have transcended their traditional association with rebellion and counterculture to become mainstream symbols of self-expression. Beyond the aesthetic appeal, tattoos can significantly alter skin texture, a phenomenon that has intrigued both tattoo enthusiasts and dermatologists alike. Delving into the intricacies of this transformative process sheds light on the physiological and cosmetic implications of body art.The intricate designs etched into the skin during tattooing leave a lasting impression, both visually and textually. While the pigments injected into the dermis create the colorful motifs, they also disrupt the natural architecture of the skin. The needle penetrates…

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Photo Credits: UAB In the ongoing global fight against breast cancer, medical researchers are making groundbreaking strides towards understanding, diagnosing, and treating this pervasive disease. With its widespread impact on women worldwide, the quest for effective treatments remains a critical focus in the medical community. Breast cancer, one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers among women, continues to pose significant challenges. Recent studies have shed light on the complexities of the disease, revealing the diverse factors contributing to its development and progression. From genetic predispositions to environmental influences, researchers are unraveling the intricate web of variables underlying breast cancer. One…

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Source: The Indian ExpressIntermittent fasting (IF) has surged in popularity as a dietary trend, celebrated for its purported benefits ranging from weight loss to improved cognitive function. However, amidst the buzz, questions have emerged regarding its potential impact on heart health. Recent studies and expert opinions shed light on this debated topic, debunking misconceptions and offering insights into the relationship between intermittent fasting and cardiovascular well-being.Intermittent fasting, characterized by alternating periods of eating and fasting, comes in various forms, including the 16/8 method, alternate-day fasting, and the 5:2 diet. Advocates suggest that IF can lead to weight loss, enhance metabolic…

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Source: The Weather Channel As temperature rises across the region, a relentless heat wave has settled in, prompting health officials to issue warnings and advisories to residents. With temperatures expected to climb well above normal for this time of year, authorities are urging everyone to take precautions to stay safe and cool.  The heat wave,  fielded by a high- pressure system lingering over the area,  has brought scorching temperatures,  making outdoor activities increasingly challenging.  Residents are advised to Limit their time outdoors,  especially during the peak heat of the day,  and to seek shade whenever possible.  With the risk of…

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Source: Town and Country Magazine A vampire facial, also known as a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facial, is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a person’s own blood to rejuvenate the skin. Here’s how it typically works: The term “vampire facial” was popularized by celebrities who underwent the procedure and shared their experiences on social media. While some people swear by its effectiveness in improving skin quality, others remain skeptical about its benefits. As with any cosmetic procedure, it’s essential to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine if it’s the right option for you and to understand the potential risks…

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Source: Forbes “Sleep Divorce” is a term used to describe a sleeping arrangement where partners sleep separately either in separate beds or separate rooms while still maintaining a romantic relationship. This phenomenon has gained attention in recent years as couples seek solutions to sleep disturbances and Conflicts that arise from incompatible sleep habits.  The decision to pursue a sleep divorce often stems from issues such as snoring, different sleep schedules, restless leg syndrome or other sleep disorders. These factors can disrupt sleep qualities for one or both partners leading to irritability and fatigue and even strain the relationship. In some…

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Source: Real Simple “Ice dips” could refer to a few different things. It might mean taking a dip in icy water for health benefits or as part of a cold therapy regimen. This practice, often associated with cold-water swimming or cold plunges, is believed by some to have various physical and mental health benefits, such as boosting circulation, reducing inflammation, and increasing resilience to stress. It could also refer to dipping foods or beverages into crushed ice for cooling or serving purposes. Dermatologists and beauty enthusiasts alike have long sought quick fixes for skin redness and spots, and a trending…

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Source: Cleveland Clinic Oral cancer refers to the abnormal growth of cells in the mouth and throat region. It commonly starts as a painless sore or ulcer that doesn’t heal and if left untreated it can spread to other parts of the body.It can affect any part of the oral cavity including the lips, Gums, tongue roof or floor of the mouth and inner lining of the cheeks  CAUSES AND RISKS: The primary cause of oral cancer is believed to be the use of tobacco products including cigarettes, cigars pipes and smokeless tobacco. Heavy alcohol consumption is another significant risk…

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Source: Medical News Today Mango is known as the “king of fruits” and also because it is widely popular in the summer season. In the world of Nutrition, few fruits a walk as much delight and debate as the luscious mango bursting with tropical flavor and vibrant color mangoes are celebrated for their rich days and many health benefits. How it lingers regarding the potential impact on blood sugar levels and weight management. Recent study published in the journal of nutrition and metabolism has reignited the discussion examining the relationship between mango consumption, blood sugar levels and weight gain. The…

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