Author: Ishika.goyal

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Just a wander, lost in her own world

In a recent study in The Lancet, an important health concern has been brought to light in India; that is micronutrient malnutrition with special reference to iron and calcium. These two essential nutrients are so vital and fundamental to our body but sadly millions of Indians are actually deficient in it. When these deficiencies occur, there may be serious ramifications of one’s energy, bone density, as well as total health. The Critical Roles of Iron and Calcium Iron is one of the important minerals needed in the body, especially in the production of hemoglobin which is used to transport oxygen…

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It is something that can take a lot of effort and time to achieve so it is a big accomplishment to be able to shed some pounds. However, true test starts after one has achieved the desired weight loss objectives as pointed out by several researchers. It is normal to get back to the same weight and this is usually referred to as weight loss rebound. Get back to the same weight and this is something that may be seen as a major setback after going through the whole process and it may prove to be very demoralising. The good…

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The most important as well as one of the most enjoyable and beneficial decisions you can make for yourself is the beginning of a new exercise regime. Exercise is one of the best ways of improving the appearance and the general health of the body. For those who are just starting with exercising and those striving to optimize the effects of the already formed program, the main principle remains the same – to develop an individual training regime that is suitable for you and adhere to it. Setting realistic goals and selecting activities that will draw your interest are key…

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The level of boredom makes one look for something to munch on to waste time. Although humans are most often prone to snacking, consuming foods between main meals for fun has many undesirable implications for the human body. Recognising these effects and perusing more constructive approaches can assist with carrying out beneficial dietary changes as well as helping you with weight control. Understanding the Connection Between Boredom and Snacking Their thinking is that boredom is the feeling that arises when one has nothing to do or with which to engage themselves. During such periods, it might be deemed appropriate to…

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Have you ever been sore after exercising or attempting a specific sports activity, you are not alone. They include the muscle soreness which is usual with persons who exercise, and which is experienced by almost every individual. This is particularly the case in the initial days following the exercise, under a condition referred to as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). But why is it so? And what can you do to minimise the uncomfortable feeling? What Causes Muscle Soreness? The idea is that whenever you overload your muscles and make the muscles work beyond what they normally would in a…

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