Author: Karthik Govil

Karthik Govil is a polymath with various interests across many fields. This includes history, technology, politics, music and the entertainment industry. With extensive knowledge in all these domains, he manages to have a sense of humour despite it.

Recently, Raveena Tandon was involved in a fake allegation of drunken driving with her driver. Reporter Mohsin Shaikh reported on X (formerly twitter) that Raveena Tandon, in Bandra at 9:19PM had hit a Muslim woman with her car. The sequence of events between Raveena Tandon and Muhammad, as reported by Mohsin Shaikh Muhammad, residing in Bandra, allegedly claimed in a video by Mohsin Shaikh, that his mother was hit by Raveena Tandon’s driver by driving into her. Afterwards, when asked to stop, the driver got out, and physically assaulted his niece and his already injured mother. Afterwards, Raveena Tandon, who…

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Raghuram Rajan, ex-RBI governor and ex-Chief Economic Advisor and current professor of finance at Katherine Dusak Miller Chicago, recently blamed Arnab Goswami’s 2014 interview of Rahul Gandhi on the image tarnishing of Rahul Gandhi. In the interview to the Print, professor Raghuram Rajan says that the “disfiguring interview” completely tarnished Rahul Gandhi’s image, and that Rahul Gandhi is an otherwise “reasonable man”. What interview is Raghuram Rajan talking about? Let us find out. Rahul Gandhi’s Arnab Goswami Interview 2014 In 2014, Rahul Gandhi gave an interview to Arnab Goswami, where he pressed Rahul Gandhi on several questions. Watch it here.…

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Celebrities are posting ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ in their stories. Around 40 Palestinians in Rafah have died since the retaliatory attack was launched. This attack has claimed an equal number of lives of men and women, boys and girls, alike. It has also brought the debate of ‘human shield vs collateral damage’ to the forefront. On one hand, while Hamas continues to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, Israel disregards this and considers the innocent lives lost as collateral damage. The consensus on whether the blame should fall on those using human shields, or those who cause collateral damage, is…

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