Author: Kezia Anna Sherry

In a groundbreaking discovery, a team of neuroscientists led by McGill University has identified a new dopamine pathway that plays a critical role in balancing several essential brain functions, including those related to reward, cognition, and movement. This finding, published in Nature Neuroscience, holds the potential to pave the way for innovative treatments for a range of psychiatric and neurological disorders, including schizophrenia, addiction, ADHD, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s. The Role of Dopamine in the Brain Dopamine is a neurotransmitter commonly associated with pleasure and reward. However, its influence extends far beyond these functions, playing a vital role in mood…

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The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, developed nearly a century ago, proposes that the language we speak shapes how we think and perceive the world around us. According to this hypothesis, people experience their world through their language, which shapes thought and cognition. Recent advancements in neuroscience have provided compelling evidence to support this hypothesis. Through fMRI experiments, researchers have demonstrated that learning new words can “rewire” cognitive circuits in the brain, showing how language profoundly impacts our thinking processes. Language and Recognition of Experiences The implications of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis extend beyond academic discussions; they are deeply relevant to everyday life. One…

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In 2018, Karti Chidambaram, son of then Finance Minister P. Chidambaram, found himself at the center of a controversy when his former employee, Sukanya Singh, accused him of workplace bullying and harassment. Singh’s allegations of an abusive and hostile work environment brought significant attention to the issue of workplace harassment, not only in politically connected environments but also in public and private sectors. The story is an upsetting reminder of how common this kind of behavior is and how critical it is to deal with it. Understanding Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace Harassment is defined as any unwelcome act…

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For decades, scientists have explored the profound influence of genes on human health, leading to the rise of precision medicine, which tailors diagnosis and treatment to individual genetic profiles. However, the impact of genetics on human psychology has received far less attention. A growing body of research suggests that genetic conflict—a phenomenon where maternal and paternal genes compete for influence—could play a crucial role in shaping behavior and psychological outcomes. What Is Genetic Conflict? Genetic conflict theory proposes that our genes retain markers indicating whether they originated from the mother or the father. During development, these genes may either cooperate…

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Coping mechanisms are strategies individuals use to manage stress and unpleasant emotions, which can be either conscious or unconscious. Unlike defense mechanisms, which are broadly unconscious and can alter a person’s internal psychological state, coping mechanisms are usually conscious and intentional. While defense mechanisms address internal conflicts, coping mechanisms focus on managing external stressors, offering individuals practical ways to handle challenging situations. The Role of the Environment in Mental Health The environment profoundly influences mental health, affecting everything from mood and stress levels to overall well-being. The term ‘Environment’ encompasses the physical, social, work, and cultural surroundings that impact human…

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A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report has unveiled a troubling shift in drug use patterns, highlighting a significant increase in overdose deaths related to smoking drugs such as heroin, fentanyl, methamphetamine, and cocaine. Contrary to long-standing beliefs that smoking these substances is safer than injecting them, the data underscores the extreme dangers associated with smoking. CDC Reports Shift in Drug Use Patterns According to the 2024 CDC report, there has been a notable change in the methods of drug consumption among users who succumbed to overdoses in 2022. The percentage of overdose deaths involving injection declined…

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Stress is an inescapable part of life. While a certain amount of stress can drive personal growth and productivity, excessive stress can harm both mental and physical health. One lesser-known consequence of chronic stress is its impact on our digestive system, a relationship known as the gut-brain axis. The Gut-Brain Axis: A Two-Way Street Have you ever experienced indigestion or stomach aches following a stressful situation? It’s not just a coincidence. The brain and gut are in constant communication through the gut-brain axis. This connection means that stress can directly affect your gut, leading to various digestive issues. Moreover, digestive…

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Researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) have found that non-deceptive placebos—placebos given to participants with complete disclosure—are an excellent way to treat depression, anxiety, and stress. These remote-administered placebos are not only a scalable option for mental health care, but they are also effective, according to a study published in the journal Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. Study Design and Methodology The research was carried out throughout the COVID-19 epidemic, a period of increased and extended stress for several people. The researchers gathered participants in a two-week randomized controlled study who were under a lot of stress because of the…

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A new study published in the European Journal of Pediatrics reveals that sleep problems in young children may be an early warning sign for the development of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms later in childhood. The research, led by Llúcia González-Safont from the University of Valencia, found that sleep disturbances at ages 8 to 9 significantly increase the likelihood of ADHD symptoms emerging by ages 10 to 11. ADHD and Its Global Impact ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder, affecting approximately 7.5% of children worldwide. Characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, ADHD can significantly impact academic performance,…

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Self-control is the ability to regulate and alter responses to avoid undesirable behaviors, enhance positive actions, and achieve long-term goals. Often referred to as discipline, determination, grit, willpower, or fortitude, self-control is essential for personal and professional success. Maintaining self-control can be challenging with temptations such as indulgent foods, enticing new products, and endless social media distractions around us. For individuals who find it difficult to resist these temptations, new research offers promising strategies that could make self-control easier. Preemptive Self-Control One effective way to manage temptations is through preemptive self-control. This approach involves planning ahead and minimizing exposure to…

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