Author: kunjal.divecha

First year Media and Psychology student at Christ University, Delhi NCR. navigating content writing, editing, graphic design, social media management, human resources and god knows what else.

In a dramatic escalation of civil unrest, thousands of protesters stormed Kenya’s Parliament on Tuesday to voice their opposition to proposed tax increases. The situation rapidly turned violent, with part of the parliamentary building set ablaze, forcing lawmakers to flee. This unrest has resulted in multiple fatalities and has prompted a stern response from the government. Unprecedented Violence This protest marks the most direct attack on the Kenyan government in decades. Eyewitnesses and journalists reported seeing at least three bodies outside the parliament complex, with medical workers confirming five deaths. Police fired live ammunition to disperse the crowd, exacerbating the…

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In a surprising incident that highlights the growing issue of space debris, a family in Naples, Florida, is seeking over $80,000 in compensation from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The incident occurred on March 8, 2024, when a piece of debris weighing 700 grams crashed through the roof of Alejandro Otero’s home, causing significant damage. This event, reported by AFP, calls attention to the increasing risks associated with space traffic and the potential consequences on Earth. Near Miss Incident The space debris, part of a cargo pallet released from the International Space Station (ISS) in 2021, failed to…

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A recent global survey has unveiled an overwhelming consensus among people worldwide for stronger governmental commitments to combat climate change. Conducted by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Oxford University, and GeoPoll, the survey included 75,000 participants from 77 countries, representing 87 percent of the global population. The findings highlight an urgent call for action as 80 percent of respondents advocate for enhanced efforts to address the climate crisis. Widespread Demand for Climate Action The survey’s key finding is clear: four out of every five people want their governments to strengthen climate commitments. Notably, support is even more pronounced in…

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India has reached a significant milestone in its seafood industry, recording marine exports totaling Rs 60,523 crore for the fiscal year 2023-24. This achievement reflects robust growth in export volume, despite a notable decrease in the overall value of exports. The latest data reveals an increase in the export of chilled seafood and major fish varieties. However, the decline in export value raises concerns about the sustainability of this growth. The United States and China remain primary destinations for Indian marine exports, underscoring the country’s strong position in the global seafood market. Growth in Volume, Decline in Value According to…

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On Tuesday, Anderson Lee Aldrich was sentenced to 55 concurrent life sentences plus an additional 190 years in prison for a mass shooting at Club Q, an LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado Springs, in November 2022. Aldrich, 24, pleaded guilty to 50 federal hate crimes and firearms violations. This sentencing comes on top of the life sentences Aldrich is already serving for state charges related to the same incident. Details of the Attack and Victims On the night of November 19, 2022, Aldrich entered Club Q wearing a tactical vest and armed with a rifle. Within a span of six minutes,…

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NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft, launched on September 5, 1977, has recently returned to full operational status after overcoming a period of technical difficulties. Initially designed to study Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager 1 completed its primary mission by 1980. The spacecraft has since continued its journey into interstellar space, providing invaluable data about this uncharted territory. In November 2023, Voyager 1 began transmitting garbled data, but after months of troubleshooting, the issue was resolved, and the spacecraft is once again sending clear, usable information back to Earth. A Journey Through the Solar System Voyager 1’s mission was initially focused on conducting…

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The Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad has announced a significant milestone in planetary science with the naming of three newly discovered craters on Mars. These names honor PRL’s former director, Professor Devendra Lal, and two Indian towns, Mursan in Uttar Pradesh and Hilsa in Bihar. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) approved these names on June 5, 2024. This development underscores the vital contributions of Indian researchers to space exploration. Discovery and Location These craters are situated in the Tharsis volcanic region on Mars, known for its massive volcanoes, including Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System. This…

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The United States Supreme Court has unanimously preserved access to mifepristone, a medication used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the country. This landmark decision marks the court’s first significant ruling on abortion since the conservative majority overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago. The ruling is a significant development in the ongoing debate over reproductive rights and the FDA’s authority in drug approval processes. The Ruling and Its Implications On Thursday, the justices concluded that abortion opponents lacked the legal right to sue over the FDA’s approval of mifepristone and its subsequent actions to ease access to the…

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The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) latest Global Gender Gap Report brings both a stark warning and a glimmer of hope. Despite marginal progress in gender equality over the past year, the pace has slowed, extending the estimated time to close the global gender gap from 131 years in 2023 to 134 years — approximately five generations. However, the 2024 “bumper election year,” with its unprecedented number of national elections, presents a unique opportunity to significantly advance women’s representation in the political sphere and, consequently, accelerate progress towards gender parity. Current Status of the Global Gender Gap The WEF’s Global Gender…

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As tensions escalate between China and Taiwan, the United States appears to be formulating a bold strategy to counter a potential Chinese invasion of the island. Dubbed the “Hellscape” strategy, this plan centers around deploying a massive force of drones to disrupt and delay Chinese military actions, giving the US and its allies crucial time to mount a full-scale response. The “Hellscape” Strategy Explained The essence of the “Hellscape” strategy, as articulated by Admiral Samuel Paparo, commander of US Indo-Pacific Command, involves unleashing thousands of unmanned submarines, surface ships, and aerial drones into the Taiwan Strait. “The idea is that…

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