Author: munazza.fatima

Knuckle cracking is a habit many people indulge in, often without a second thought. For some, it’s a way to release tension or stress, while for others, it’s simply the satisfaction of hearing that distinct pop. Despite being common, this habit has long been surrounded by a nagging question: Does cracking your knuckles lead to arthritis? In this article, we dive into the science, address the myths, and uncover the truth about knuckle cracking. What Happens When You Crack Your Knuckles? When you crack your knuckles, you’re not actually breaking anything. The sound is produced by a change in pressure…

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There’s something magical about growing up with brothers and sisters.The bond between siblings shapes every kids childhood in powerful ways, be it inside jokes doing hidden adventured or even the ever occurring sibling squabble.From the moment they are born, siblings play a very important role in contributing to personal growth cognitive development and emotional resilience.Here’s a look at how brothers and sisters help each other thrive and why this relationship is truly special. Love and support One of the most beautiful things about having siblings is that they are our first friends and playmates. Think of those late-night pillow fights,…

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Life sometimes feels heavy, like there’s a gray cloud hanging over you, making everything feel a little duller. If might have wondered why it’s so hard to find happiness sometimes or why even the things that used to excite you seem uninteresting.Losing joy can happen for a variety of reasons—stress, burnout, or even just the pressures of everyday life.  If you’ve been asking yourself the same question, know that you’re not alone. Experiencing an inability to feel happiness is not just a bad day. This persistent feeling of joylessness has a name: anhedonia. It’s a condition where positive emotions like…

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We all know that COVID-19 can cause you to lose your sense of taste and smell. But did you know it could also affect your hearing? A new study has found that young adults who had COVID-19 are three times more likely to experience hearing loss than those who didn’t get the virus. This is surprising and concerning, especially for younger people who generally don’t expect to face such issues. The Link Between COVID-19 and Hearing Loss This recent study, published in The Lancet’s eClinical Medicine journal, looked at more than 6.7 million young adults in South Korea. It found…

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I bet you think yoga is just about flexing like a pretzel and pretending to be a Zen master? Let me burst your bubble –  it’s not just about striking that perfect downward dog. Yoga has also got some serious brain-boosting superpowers. Yep, while you’re contorting into poses that make you question your sanity, you’re also giving your brain a workout.Here’s why adding yoga to your routine might just be the best decision you make this year. Yoga isn’t just for Instagram Flexes Anymore You probably think yoga is all about getting that killer Instagram shot (you’re not alone, we…

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We’ve all been there!That moment when you agree to do something, and suddenly, a minor task turns into an emotional drama. Imagine: you’ve accepted a new project at work, and now you’re stressing about every detail, worried that someone, somewhere might be disappointed. Sounds familiar? Welcome to the world of people-pleasing, where your quest to make everyone happy ends up making you miserable. The Burden of Trying to Please Everyone Sometimes you feel like you’re on a tightrope, juggling everyone’s expectations while trying not to fall off? People-pleasing is like that. It’s an endless loop of seeking approval and managing…

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Imagine : You’ve just been prescribed a new medication. You read the leaflet, and the list of potential side effects makes your heart sink.A few days later, you start experiencing some of those very symptoms—headaches, nausea, maybe even fatigue. But you might not know this: these symptoms might not be caused by the medication itself but it could just be the nocebo effect misleading you.Now what exactly is the Nocebo effect? Lets get into it: What Is the Nocebo Effect? The nocebo effect, often described as the evil twin of the placebo effect, is when negative expectations lead to the…

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“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”Sounds like you’ve heard this already? I bet you might have as we’ve all heard this saying a million times, but in today’s time where there is filter dominance it surely has become more like a question. I mean seriously, does beauty lie in the eyes of the beholder anymore? The world is dominated by trends, Tiktok influencers and Snapchat filters and somewhere in this dominance this notion is lost and beauty has become less about what’s in the eyes of the beholder and more about what’s trending on your feed. It’s no…

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“Forgiveness is not about letting someone off the hook for their actions, but freeing ourselves from the burden of bitterness,” says renowned therapist Dr. Harriet Lerner.This idea, while comforting for many, doesn’t resonate with everyone. In fact, there’s a growing conversation around the notion that forgiveness isn’t always necessary for healing. It’s an unpopular opinion, but in some cases, holding onto your feelings can actually be healthier.Here are eight reasons why sometimes, not forgiving might be the best thing you can do for yourself. 1. Forgiveness Isn’t a Necessity We’ve all heard the saying, “Forgive and forget.” But here’s the…

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Imagine losing the entire population of a major city in just one year—this is the chilling reality of alcohol’s impact on global health. The latest World Health Organization (WHO) report reveals that alcohol was responsible for a staggering 2.6 million deaths worldwide in 2019. This headline isn’t just a number; it’s a wake-up call. Here’s a closer look at how alcohol is reshaping lives and what we can do to combat this silent epidemic. Age, Region, and Gender: Who’s Most Affected? When we break down the statistics, the disparities become strikingly clear. Young adults aged 20 to 39 bear a…

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