Author: munazza.fatima

When a man becomes a father, it’s not just sleepless nights and diaper duties that change. Science shows that fatherhood brings real changes to a man’s brain and hormones, which help him connect better with his baby and handle the new responsibilities. Here’s a look at six Key shifts in a man’s mind while embracing fatherhood: 1. Gray Matter Shrinks to Sharpen Focus When a man becomes a dad, certain areas of his brain physically change. Research led by Dr. Darby Saxbe at the University of Southern California discovered that new fathers experience a small reduction in gray matter—regions of…

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You’d think in an era where we’re all proudly “woke,” smashing the patriarchy, and claiming to be modern feminists, certain outdated beliefs would have been buried long ago. Yet here we are, still stuck with myths about menstruation that are both bizarre and shocking. I’ve heard some serious misconceptions about periods, from both girls and boys, that are frankly mind-boggling. Let’s talk about these myths that persist even today: 1. TikTok Says Periods Are Gross – And People Believe It! Believe it or not, some corners of TikTok and social media are pushing the idea that periods are “gross.” This…

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So now that you’ve tapped and started reading, I bet your first question might be, “What exactly is cortisol?” And yes, the answer to the first part of the title is probably a big yes. Because let’s be honest—everyone’s mind, in one way or another, is caught in a stress tangle. For some, it’s work. For others, it’s family issues, relationships, careers, finances, health—or even just a void that they’re constantly worried about. The more I talk to people around me, the more I realize that we’re all stressing over something every single day of our lives. “It’s just stress…

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The rise in cancer cases among millennials and Gen X has become a significant concern. Research shows that younger generations are experiencing higher cancer rates than previous ones, with lifestyle changes and environmental factors playing a substantial role. The major concern of individuals is knowing the reasons for this rising trend.Here’s a closer look to whats driving this alarming rise and 10 actionable changes that can contribute to better health outcomes. Why Are Cancer Rates Rising Among Millennials? Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) are seeing an alarming increase in cancer diagnoses. Studies published in The Lancet reveal that people…

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We observed World Humanitarian Day yesterday, a day set aside by the United Nations to honor those who risk their lives to help others in crisis zones. It is meant to be a tribute to selfless acts of empathy and compassion—traits we proudly associate with being human. But as we laud these ideals, we must ask ourselves a much needed but painfully uncomfortable question: What truly makes us humanitarians? Is humanitarianism is just a hollow ideal? Is it our supposed compassion, our claimed empathy, or the moral superiority we conveniently bestow upon ourselves over other species? Humanity has always prided…

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If you open Instagram and search for hashtags like #slowliving, #burnout, or #takeabreak, you’ll find that they’ve been used millions of times. The concept of slow living is gaining significant traction, especially among Gen Z’s and millennials, who are increasingly embracing the idea that rest and taking a break are as essential as hard work and productivity. The thought of pressing pause for a while (i.e doing nothing)– no work, no emails, no career hustle, no constant notifications, no relentless to-do lists no early morning commutes, no racing against deadlines, no juggling multiple commitments, and no feeling guilty for not…

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As I sit here, lounging on my couch, wrestling with an epic case of writer’s block, armed only with an over-caffeinated brain and an uncooperative laptop screen. My bucket list is brimming with ambitions: You know, how you wish for so many distant dreams but always feel like there is no need to rush. But just when I was getting cozy in my artistic reverie, along comes AI, strutting into the scene like the new kid on the block, swaggering with a self-assured “Hey, artists, step aside.” We all know how AI is all the buzz right now. Well, it’s…

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There was a time when women had to fight just to ensure their unborn daughters could be born. There was a time when they had to battle for their right to be employed. Women fought for equality, for a seat at the table, for fair pay, and for equal opportunities. They faced countless struggles for promotions, recognition, and respect in the workplace. Yet today, our present is no better. The case of a 31-year-old doctor, who, after a grueling 36-hour night shift, sought rest in her medical college only to be brutally assaulted and found dead the next day, starkly…

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Are you  spending your days sitting in that comfy office chair, thinking it’s a win-win. But before you get too cozy, let’s burst your bubble; your chair might be plotting against you, causing risks to your health. . Sitting too much isn’t just about feeling lazy—it’s actually doing some serious damage to your health.Here are 8 things that could possibly happen to you if you are sitting too much:  1. The Perks of a Seated Life? = shortened lifespan You might think that sitting all day is a great way to enjoy life, but it’s actually speeding up your departure…

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There happens to be times when life’s stress is piling up. You don’t have your therapist on speed dial, so what now? Don’t worry! Here’s how to take care of yourself and keep your mental health on track, even when you’re flying solo. Why You Can’t Just Rely on Therapy Alone Therapy is amazing, but it’s not the only thing you need. Think of it like this: therapy is like a great tool in your toolbox, but you also need to know how to use the tools yourself. According to Dr. John Norcross, a clinical psychologist, “Therapy is a great…

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