Author: PanigrahiShreeyanshu

The Illegal Wildlife Trade is a global Platform for the trade of exotic and Endangered species which puts many animals from the small and cute to the big and Majestic at risk of extinction. Tigers are vulnerable to poaching because of the high price it fetches in the International market for its parts, every part of the Tiger from its Whiskers to its bones and Penis is precious in the black market. Most of these beliefs stem from Traditional Chinese Medicine to cure a variety of ailments as shown in the image below, even though there are better alternatives and…

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The Illegal Wildlife Trade is a Global trade of endangered animals and their parts that threatens the survival of many species of Plants and Animals, the trade in animals and their parts is the 4th Largest Black Market in the world after Drugs, Weapons, and Human Trafficking, the trade is worth Billions of dollars with some estimates putting it at $23 Billion yearly. Image: African Wildlife Foundation Factors driving the trade The main factor driving the trade is demand and it is one of the most essential factors for any Black market to thrive and grow, the demand can be…

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The American War in Vietnam is one of the most divisive conflicts is one of the most divisive conflicts in American history as it divided American society into two sections one for the war and one against the war, and its repercussions are still being felt today in Vietnam and its neighboring countries. The Human cost of the Vietnam War was enormous with 50,000 American troops dying and 150,000 injured, over 1.1 million North Vietnamese troops dying and 200,000 South Vietnamese dying taking the total death of Vietnamese soldiers to over 2 million. A high percentage of American Vietnam War…

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The Pinaka 214 MM Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher System, Republic Day Parade, New Delhi, January 23, 2011 (Wikimedia Commons) Recently a deal of $300 million was confirmed to purchase ammunition, Pinaka Multi Barrel rocket launcher systems, and a host of other things and now Armenia is in talks to sign another deal to acquire anti-drone systems from India to counter Turkish-made kamikaze drones operated by Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has the upper hand in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict due to the heavy usage of unmanned drones which helps Azerbaijan to target Armenian positions remotely and minimize its casualties. The recent purchases clearly show…

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An ISIS convoy (Representational image) | Twitter | @Intlatm The Middle East has been a hotbed for terrorists and violent extremists for many decades, with various groups emerging due to the power vacuum created by the United States’ intervention in these countries’ internal matters it has become a fertile ground for extremist ideologies and terrorist groups to flourish and expand. The presence of these groups also gives way to Sectarian violence, political instability, poverty, targeted discrimination, and many other horrific crimes. The United State’s intervention in Iraq for example after ousting Saddam Hussein and his government the US dissolved the…

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Migrants stand onboard a fishing boat at the port of Paleochora, following a rescue operation off the island of Crete, Greece, November 22, 2022. REUTERS/Stringer/File Photo Europe has been facing a migrant crisis for many years now, it only recently came to light because of the strain it’s putting on the European economy, and due to it there have been numerous clashes between the Local population and the migrants which have led to social unrest in some areas, also the influx of migrants illegally has an exponential effect on the crime rate of the area where migrants have settled illegally.…

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The Sahel region a Semi-arid belt of land south of the Sahara desert has experienced a series of coups. Since 2020 there have been 6 successful Coup attempts in Mai, Burkina Faso, Niger, Guinea, and Chad, all the countries are Francophone countries, at one point in time they were French Colonies. There are numerous reasons why coups keep taking place in countries situated on the Sahel belt. To start with these countries are the former colonies of France who due to the colonial practices in the past and neo-colonial practices in the present have deprived the country of its resources,…

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Illegal immigration in Europe has been a growing concern in recent years due to the economic, and political crisis faced in the nearby developing/undeveloped nations who seek a better life in Europe but don’t have the funds to do so to come through the legal route, instead illegally cross treacherous seas and in the process many lose their lives. But once they make it to the European shore they seek asylum claiming that their lives are at risk in their home country, most of them get asylum through fake documents and create societies and ghettos in the countries where they…

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Fighters of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Jordan, early 1969. Photo: Wikimedia Commons The Black September Massacre was a string of events that took place in the 1970s. The Jordanian army under the instruction of King Hussein killed thousands of Palestinian militants and civillians. Black September was the culmination of a long period of tension between the Jordanian Government and PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization). The PLO was formed in 1964 to voice out the interest of the Palestinian people and was based in Jordan, the group consisted entirely of Palestinian refugees who were given refugee…

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In recent years the possibility of China conducting a full-scale operation to take over Taiwan has never been more plausible than it is now, with China increasingly militarising the region and deploying warships to blockade Taiwan in ruse of conducting naval exercises has increased, the world is taking notice of this threat to Taiwan and countering China’s over-aggressive foreign policies related to the Indo Pacific area. The United States especially is interested because if China is successful in taking over Taiwan then China will become one of the most powerful countries in the world and will control the majority of…

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