Author: PanigrahiShreeyanshu

A U.S. soldier during a firefight near Sirkankel, Afghanistan, March 2002 Pakistan is a country with a long history of going back on its words and playing double games with its partners, over the years the most prominent example of this is in Afghanistan where Pakistan claimed to support The United States and its allies in its War on terror, but its intelligence has been supporting and providing a safe haven to Taliban and the many Islamic terrorists mainly Al-Qaeda. This is a gross violation of trust between the two countries Pakistan and The USA. This breach of trust made…

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 At a “conflict-free” copper mine in Katanga (Fairphone/Flickr) The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the richest countries in the world with an abundance of minerals such as Cobalt, Coltan, Copper, Diamond, and Gold. Still, despite its Natural mineral wealth, it is one of the poorest countries in the world with over 70% of the population living below the poverty line. This phenomenon can be attributed to the:” Resource Curse” paradox where countries with a high abundance of mineral wealth have slower economic growth in other sectors which in turn affects and lowers the Human development of the country.…

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Qatar a small country in the Middle East near Saudi Arabia has been accused and implicated on several occasions of financing and supporting various extremist groups all over the world. The government of Qatar has been accused of supporting terrorist groups directly by routing money through various charities and indirectly by allowing and providing these extremist and terror groups a platform to run their propaganda on their state-run media outlet, notably Al Jazeera. Due to Qatar’s unofficial stance on terrorism, many major Middle East countries imposed a blockade on Qatar which forced Qatar to enact and implement various anti-terror and…

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Without access to food, medicine and fuel, thousands of ethnic Armenians are now living a life of destitution and despair in the South Caucasus territory|| CREDIT: ARIS MESSINIS/AFP The Nagorno Karaback conflict has been going on since the existence of the Russian Empire and subsequently going on during the Soviet Union and after the collapse of the Soviet Union. After the Russian Revolution, Nagorno Karabakh was at the center of conflict between the two newly independent states of Armenia and Azerbaijan, during the Soviet Union, Nagorno Karabakh was given to Azerbaijan with an autonomous status in 1923. In the 1980…

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HEDIL AMIR/ANADOLU AGENCY VIA GETTY IMAGES Amid a recent series of attacks against US troops Stationed in Iraq and Syria, President Joe Biden issued a stern warning to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, The White House has said that if US forces stationed in Iraq and Syria are repeatedly targeted by Iran backed Proxies then the United States would respond with force against Iran. The president also made it clear that this situation was in no way related to the ongoing conflict/ war between Israel and Hamas. The White House did not convey how the message was conveyed…

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