The brutal killing of a couple and their 23-year-old girl in South Delhi’s Neb Sarai has been investigated, with police recognizing the executioner as the 20-year-old child, Arjun. The stunning wrongdoing unfolded on the couple’s 27th wedding commemoration, allegedly over property debate and individual grievances. The casualties, Rajesh Kumar (51), Komal Kumar (46), and their girl Kavita, were found dead in their home on Wednesday morning. Rajesh and Komal had been wounded in their rest, whereas Kavita was assaulted when she got up. Arjun at first claimed he found the bodies after returning from a morning walk, but police examinations…
Author: Poojitha B V
As the winter season approaches, meteorological projections indicate that India may experience higher-than-average temperatures, posing a potential threat to the nation’s wheat yields. This prediction has sparked concern among agricultural experts, farmers, and policymakers, as wheat is a staple crop crucial to India’s food security and economy. The Climate Shift According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), the ongoing effects of climate change and global warming are contributing to a milder winter this year. The northern wheat-growing regions, including Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh, are particularly vulnerable. These states are expected to witness reduced cold spells and higher minimum temperatures,…
In a remarkable display of skill and adherence to safety protocols, an IndiGo flight was forced to abort its landing due to the severe impact of Cyclone Fengal. This incident sheds light on the aviation sector’s preparedness to handle extreme weather conditions and underscores the importance of seamless coordination between airlines and meteorological agencies. As climate change intensifies the frequency of such events, ensuring passenger safety through enhanced pilot training and robust safety measures becomes paramount
Heavy rainfall triggered surges across Puducherry, evacuating trees and causing broad control blackouts. Homes stay waterlogged, transport administrations were hit and alleviation centres set up for evacuees. Image Source : Indian Express The roads of Puducherry remain submerged as Cyclone Fengal brings heavy precipitation to the Union Territory on Sunday. CHENNAI: The cyclonic storm ‘Fengal’, which made landfall late Saturday, conveyed Puducherry its heaviest precipitation in decades and unleashed record deluges in Tamil Nadu’s Villupuram district. The Indian Meteorological Division said on Sunday that Fengal remained stationary close Puducherry and would continuously debilitate by afternoon. Automatic climate stations in Mailam…