Author: Rakshitha

I am a communication student , who has much love and enthusiasm for marketing and copy writing.

In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience often trumps consciousness, it’s easy to overlook the impact of our food choices on our bodies, our planet, and the people who produce our food. But fear not, fellow foodies! Ethical consumerism is here to revolutionise your relationship with food, transforming it from a mere sustenance into a symphony of flavours, ethics, and eco-friendliness. What is Ethical Consumerism? Ethical consumerism is a movement that empowers consumers to make informed choices about the products they buy, considering the social, environmental, and economic implications of their purchases. image source : freepik When it comes to food,…

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Delhi, the vivacious capital of India, is a city of extremes. It is home to a rich history and culture, as well as a vibrant and growing economy. However, the city also has a dark side, one that is often hidden from the public eye. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in major crimes committed by minors in Delhi. This disturbing trend has left many residents feeling unsafe and has raised concerns about the city’s future. Image source : Livelaw Delhi : Juvenile Crime Data The data is stark. In 2023, there were 314 murders committed by…

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Deepfakes and misinformation poses a significant threat to society. The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about a plethora of benefits, revolutionising industries and transforming our daily lives. However, the same technology that has empowered us has also opened up avenues for misuse. In response to these concerns, the Indian government is contemplating introducing new legislation to address the growing prevalence of deepfakes and misinformation. Understanding Deepfakes and Misinformation Deepfakes are synthetic media created using AI techniques to manipulate images, videos, or audio recordings. They can be used to make it appear as if someone is saying or…

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Zeigen, an innovative app promises to transform weight loss and mental health care by providing personalised treatment plans, empowering individuals to take control of their well-being. In the face of rising obesity rates and the growing prevalence of mental health issues, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative to combat these challenges through the development of a revolutionary mobile application called Zeigen. Image source : freepik Addressing the Root Causes of Weight Gain and Mental Health Struggles Existing weight management solutions often fail to address the underlying psychological factors that contribute to…

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In today’s digital world, it’s easy to feel like we’re constantly plugged into our devices, our emails, and our social media feeds. But this constant connectivity can take a toll on our mental health, our relationships, and our overall well-being. That’s why it’s important to take some time for a digital detox every now and then. Image source : freepik What is a digital detox? A digital detox is a period of time when you consciously disconnect from your digital devices and immerse yourself in the real world. It’s about taking a break from the constant stream of information and…

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Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a designated ‘individual terrorist’ was booked under the anti-terror law by the National Investigation Agency on the grounds of attempting to target and threaten the transportation sector in India. Pannun had released a video message in which he threatened to disrupt Air India’s operations and urged Sikhs to avoid flying on the airline after November 19. NIA’s Charges The NIA’s case against Pannun is based on sections 120B, 153A, and 506 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), as well as sections 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 18B, and 20 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (UAPA).…

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Losing weight is a difficult task to accomplish.It requires persistence, discipline and dedication. What we consume everyday makes up our body mass. A study that was published in the US National Library of Medicine claims that 4 out of 10 persons have started a 12-month weight loss journey. Our metabolism is a major player in this weight loss game. Metabolism helps to digest and process fat content in our body. Metabolism and Weight loss :  Metabolism is like the engine of your body, constantly converting food and drinks into energy. This energy powers your daily activities, from breathing and circulating…

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Cyber scam is not a new concept anymore in this digital era. In Fact according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) of India, there were a total of 210,826 cyber crime cases registered in India in 2022 alone. A cyber scam is a type of fraud or deceptive practice that is carried out over the internet. Cyber scammers use a variety of methods to trick their victims into giving up their sensitive personal information, hard earned money, or other valuables. Gurgaon Cyber Scam : Smritija Chatterjee, resident of Gurgaon was blackmailed in a call asking her to click on…

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Public negligence in maintaining cleanliness in public places has been a common occurrence in India. This phenomenon is particularly true in times of festivities and big celebrations. Hence, the only effective way to keep public areas clean is by enforcing laws and raising awareness . Image source: Tribune India Indian Celebrations and Festivals: Throughout the year, lots of Indian festivals are celebrated. One of the big and major festivals is Diwali, where people indulge themselves in sweets and burst crackers from dusk till dawn. Apart from this being a major contributor to noise pollution, not to mention air pollution, the…

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Your body’s cells use blood sugar, also referred to as blood glucose, as their primary source of energy. It comes from the food you eat, and your pancreas produces a hormone called insulin to help your cells use glucose for energy. The key to general health is keeping blood sugar levels within a normal range. Chronic high blood sugar, known as hyperglycemia, can lead to serious health complications, including diabetes, heart disease, nerve damage, and vision problems. Image source : freepik Food is Medicine : “ உணவே மருந்து மருந்தே உணவு ” is a famous tamil saying that roughly translates to…

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