Author: Sapna Tyagi

Sapna Tyagi is a talented writer with a passion for sharing her insights on health, lifestyle, and fashion. Holding a master's degree in English from the prestigious Delhi University, Sapna's educational background has equipped her with the analytical skills needed to excel in the field of writing. Her writing style is characterized by its clarity, creativity, and attention to detail. Her deep-seated interest in health, lifestyle, and fashion is reflected in her articles, where she effortlessly combines her academic knowledge with a keen understanding of contemporary trends and topics. With a unique ability to connect with readers and offer practical advice, her work leaves a lasting impact on those who engage with it. Her journey promises to be one filled with continued growth, innovation, and meaningful contributions to the field.

Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is an age-old yoga pose sequence done in a particular order to honour the sun. Making Surya Namaskar a part of your morning routine is a great way to improve both your physical and mental health. It’s an excellent way to start your day, and has many advantages if practiced regularly with patience. It can be performed by anyone whether they are new to it or an experienced yogi. How To Do Surya Namaskar? It is best to perform the Surya Namaskar steps early in the morning on an empty stomach. Two sets…

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is a condition causing hormonal disorder. Irregular periods, excess androgen levels (male hormones), infertility, weight gain, heart diseases and the presence of small cysts on the ovaries are few symptoms of PCOS. However, many females with PCOS have found relief through diet and lifestyle changes. Here, we will read about how diet can help in managing PCOS. Symptoms Of PCOS The Role of Diet While PCOS is a complex condition, diet plays an important role in its development. Lifestyle choices can affect insulin resistance, inflammation, and hormonal balance, making it a powerful tool for managing…

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Hair Fall is a horror for people of all ages and genders. While some hair loss is normal, excessive hair fall can be depressing and affects self-esteem. Lifestyle, diet, environmental stress, pollution, genetics, age, hormonal changes, are a few reasons behind hair fall. The good news is that, with the correct treatment, hair loss can be reduced or even reversed. Healthy hair is all about the right hair care routine, nutrition intake, and lifestyle. Here, we will explore few effective tips for reducing hair fall naturally. Before we begin, let us look at a few causes of hair fall. Causes…

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Vitamin B12 is important for our body. It is necessary for various body functions, including the production of red blood cells, neurological health, and DNA synthesis. Today, many people suffer from its deficiency and most of them are even unaware about it. In this article, we will talk about how Vitamin B12 plays an important role in keeping our body healthy. Here are seven signs that may signal a severe deficiency. Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Let’s understand the possible causes of the deficiency. Symptoms Weakness is the most common sign of this deficiency. You feel tired the whole day…

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We all love coffee. It’s a drink that gives us the energy and strength to get out of bed. But did you know that it can also be your go-to beauty secret? Its antioxidants and exfoliating properties can do wonders for your skin and hair. It is an ingredient that can boost your natural beauty by doing it all, from reducing puffiness to exfoliating your skin. It can revitalise your beauty routine. Let’s look at how to include it into your beauty routine. Scrub for Glowing Skin Coffee is a good natural exfoliator, which makes it most popular in the…

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Grey hair mostly indicates aging, but it’s not the same for all. For most of us, grey hair can be the result of stress, anxiety, poor lifestyle, insufficient sleep etc. Genetics and lifestyle factors play an important role in determining how quickly your hair goes grey. This article will look at six lifestyle factors that can cause premature greying of the hair. Stress, Stress, Stress According to research, premature greying of hair is generally related to constant stress. Our body creates more cortisol (also known as the stress hormone) when we are under constant stress or anxiety due to which…

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The World Health Organization (WHO) made another surprising announcement about a new pandemic threat of Disease X that could have a worse impact than COVID-19. The statement was issued after ample research and analysis, highlighting the urgent need for preparedness and global cooperation to prevent the possible disaster. The WHO’s Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, addressed the media during a press conference stating that “The world must not underestimate the situation we are facing. We have identified a new pandemic threat, one that can possibly be more devastating than COVID-19 if not addressed quickly and decisively.” What is Disease X?…

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Relief? In today’s busy world, stress has become a part of our lives. The endless demands of work, responsibilities, and the hustle-bustle can harm our mental health. While this may be true, there are many natural and effective ways to deal with stress and find a way to inner peace. Yoga, an ancient practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, is a powerful tool for stress relief. How Does Yoga Help with Stress? 5 Easy Yoga Poses for Stress Relief The following yoga poses are helpful in relieving stress. These postures are easy and simple and can become…

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