Author: sinduja

It is an annual event held on October 16th to raise awareness about spinal health and promote good posture and back care. The day was established by the World Federation of Chiropractic [WFC] in 2012 and is now observed by various organizations, healthcare professionals, and individuals around the world. World Spine Day : Significance It plays a crucial role in educating people about the importance of spinal health. It encourages individuals to take proactive measures to maintain a healthy spine, preventing the onset of spinal disorders and related health issues. By promoting good posture, regular exercise and proper spinal care,…

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On World Anesthesia Day, medical professionals, anesthesiologists, and healthcare organizations often organize events, seminars, and awareness campaigns to highlight the importance of safe and effective anesthesia in modern healthcare. They also use this day as an opportunity to educate the public about the role of anesthesia in surgical procedures and patient care.  World Anesthesia Day : theme  Highlighting the critical role of anesthesia in ensuring the safety and comfort of patients during surgical and medical procedures. Discussing the latest developments and innovations in the field of anesthesia. Promoting education and training for anesthesiologists and healthcare professionals to improve patient care.…

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In India, discussions about sex and sexual topics can vary widely based on cultural, regional, and individual factors. Traditionally, discussions related to sex have been relatively conservative, and there has been a tendency to treat these topics as private matters not openly discussed in public. However, India is a diverse country with a rich cultural tapestry, and attitudes towards discussing sex can differ significantly. Sexual Health : Taboo In many traditional indian cultures, premarital sex is considered taboo and can be met with social stigma. Arranged marriages are still prevalent in India, and maintaining virginity until marriage is often expected. …

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World Mental Health Day is an annual global observance dedicated to raising awareness and promoting mental health education, advocacy, and support. It is celebrated on October 10th each year. The day provides an opportunity for individuals, communities, organizations, and governments to come together and focus on mental health issues, reducing the stigma associated with mental health conditions, and promoting the enhancement of mental healthcare services accessibility. World mental health day : significance It serves as a global platform to raise awareness about mental health issues, reducing stigma, and fostering understanding and empathy. It promotes advocacy for mental health support and…

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Health care inspections are systematic and thorough evaluations or assessments of healthcare facilities, services, and practises to ensure that they meet established standards of quality, safety and compliance with regulations. These inspections are conducted by relevant authorities, government agencies, or accrediting bodies to monitor and verify that health care providers are delivering care that meets specified standards and safeguards the wee-being of patients and the community. Inspection in Pune The pune district health department is actively engaged and working with utmost dedication to conduct inspections of all healthcare facilities within jurisdiction. Their primary objective is to verify the accessibility of…

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Shadow work is not a new mental health trend, but rather a psychological concept and therapeutic approach that has been around for several decades. It is rooted in the ideas of swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung and has been embraced by various therapeutic traditions and self-help movements. Shadow work involves exploring and integrating the unconscious or “SHADOW” aspects of one’s personality. Shadow work : what is it The term shadow in this context refers to the parts of your personality that you are not fully aware of or have repressed. These could be traits, emotions, memories, or beliefs that you find…

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Doctors report that approximately 10% of the dengue cases they have encountered in the year involve individuals who have been diagnosed with dengue for the second time. Although it is uncommon for someone who has experienced primary dengue infection to contact secondary dengue, if a person with a prior history of dengue fever is exposed to a different sereotype, the risk of developing severe dengue is significantly evaluated, according to medical professionals.  Dengue : Pune  Over the past fortnight, pune has witnessed a surge in dengue fever cases, with 50 new cases being officially documented. According to reports from the…

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Vitamin E is a fat soluble nutrient that functions as an antioxidant within the body . It plays a crucial role in protecting cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can harm cells, tissues, and DNA. It helps to prevent oxidative stress and damage to stress, which can contribute to various health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Vitamin E on Skin Health Vitamin E is known for its moisturizing properties. When applied to dry skin, it can help hydrate and soften the skin, reducing dryness and flakiness. It has anti-inflammatory properties that may…

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Diabetes is a chronic health condition characterized by high levels of glucose[sugar] in the blood. It happens when the body either lacks sufficient insulin production or fails to efficiently utilize the insulin it generates. There are three types of diabetes; type1, type2, gestational diabetes. Diabetes effects on sex life Diabetes can have a significant impact on an individual’s sexual health or sex life. The effects of diabetes on sexual function can vary depending on factors such as blood pressure control, the presence of complications, and individual differences. Men with diabetes frequently experience erectile dysfunction. High blood sugar level can damage…

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Procrastinating about your emotions can be quite challenging and it takes courage to break one’s silence and to open up to others about our mental health experiences. It’s important to recognize that everyone’s experience is unique. Encouraging Non-Judgemental conversations about mental health, providing support and creating safe spaces can help individuals to feel more comfortable to share their experiences. People’s feelings about opening up about mental health can vary widely depending on their individual experiences, personality, cultural background, and the specific circumstances.  Awareness on Mental Health Awareness and education on mental health are essential components of promoting mental well-being, reducing…

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