Author: Swasthika

After World War II Ethnic Minorities among immigrants in the UK initially welcomed non-Europeans to help rebuild the country, they soon ended up in racial discrimination and hostility. In 1970, a rise of groups like the National Front, which flexibly campaigned against Immigrants. Particularly against Eastern European immigrants and Muslims carried a security threat in the UK, due to the exacerbation of terrorist attacks in Europe. This leads to the threat of experiencing stigmatization of the entire community to be racially discriminated against across England.  In the 2000s, The UK Independence Party (UKIP) increased prominence by promoting the idea that…

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The Bangladesh crisis refers to a complex and evolving situation involving political, economic, and social challenges. Nobel laureate Dr. Mohammad Yunus, now 84 years old, founded the Grameen Bank to save Bangladesh crisis from poverty. He is also known as “banker to the poor” which made Yunus and his Grameen Bank win the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. The Bank provides miniature loans to elevate millions out of poverty and also the public found disadvantaged to gain attention from the Bangladesh traditional banks. Dr. Yunus had visions for fundamental Rights which led to a global microfinance movement, including the establishment of…

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Gaza poses a significant threat to regional stability, potentially triggering a broader and more devastating conflict across the Middle East. The Israel-Hamas conflict has spread multiple times over past decades. The current conflict, Gaza has been the midpoint of intense military operations, when Israel has launched a sustained air campaign against Hamas, where the civilian got attacked. In response, Hamas has fired rockets more than thousands into Israeli territory, which resulted in attacks on civilians on the both sides, with the humanitarian situation in Gaza deteriorating rapidly. The growing conflict widened the confrontation involving other Middle East countries, particularly Iran,…

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