Author: Swati Sakshi Mishra

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Journalism major, International Relations and Affairs masters. If that doesn't sum it up, I care about Feminism, Politics, Geopolitics and Fashion with heart full of love for storytelling through words and visuals.

Gwadar/Quetta – Ongoing protests in Gwadar, Quetta and other parts of Balochistan continue to escalate. This occurs despite government claims of successful negotiations with Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC). Sit-ins paralyze life in the region. They appear no sign of abating until all requests of protestors are met. BYC’s demands include release of arrested participants. They also call for withdrawal of cases against them. Furthermore, they look for enlistment of FIRs against those included in later shootings in Gwadar and Noshki. Both government and BYC accuse each other of failing to uphold commitments from last week’s negotiations Gwadar Protests: Deadlock and…

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Tokyo, Japan — In an impressive rebound, Japanese stocks soared on Tuesday, recovering sharply from Monday’s severe selloff. The Nikkei 225 and Topix indices both jumped nearly 11% at the open, reflecting a broader stabilization across Asian markets. This recovery comes after the Nikkei 225 plummeted 12.4% on Monday, its worst drop since the 1987 Black Monday crash. Market Dynamics and Recovery Drivers: The dramatic recovery in Japanese equities with Nikkei 225 reaching above 34,000 points was spurred by reassuring statements from central bank officials. These reassurances helped to calm investor nerves. This has led to gains in Wall Street…

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CARACAS— The Venezuela 2024 election crisis has drawn significant international attention and criticism. Claims of electoral fraud by opposition candidate Edmundo González are supported by independent analyses, which contradict the results announced by Maduro’s government. The situation remains volatile as the international community calls for an end to the crackdown and a fair resolution. Venezuela is struggling with the aftermath of a controversial presidential election that took place on July 28, 2024. This election has caused major political unrest and increased attention on President Nicolás Maduro’s government. There have been many accusations of cheating, a strong response against those who…

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In significant development U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has revoked plea deals for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two co-conspirators involved in September 11 attacks famously known as the 9/11 Twin Tower Attack. This reinstates the potential for the death penalty. The decision, announced through memo on Friday underscores gravity of charges and need for full accountability. Revocation Details Austin’s memo addressed to Susan Escallier convening authority for military commissions, stated that authority to enter pre-trial agreements now rests solely with him. This move is a reversal of agreements that had been in place for KSM Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin…

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