Bangladesh Student Protest Took a Violent Turn, Killing 6 People and Injuring 100s


Bangladesh, a neighboring country of India has been witnessing continuous student protest against the quota that is provided by the government for the children and grandchildren of those of fought in the Bangladesh Independence war of 1971.

Student Protest

By now 6 students have been reported dead and hundreds are injured in this violent protest all across Bangladesh over the past two days, as the students demand for an end on the country’s job quota system. They argue that the quota system, which reserves over 50% jobs to a specific group of people is discriminatory and ethical, they demand this system to end immediately.

The protest began after the High Court reinstated a 30% Quota for the descendants of 1971 war veterans which was previously abolished in 2018 following the mass protest of student. However, the government has refused to meet the protestors’ demand. The Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Haseena defended the quota system, and she also accused the opponents of being “anti-state”, “Razakars” which is a derogatory term used for those who collaborated with Pakistani Army in 1971.

Clashes between the student protestor and the supporters of the current ruling party, that is, Awami League Party including its student wing Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) allegedly attacked the demonstration.

Police force have used tear gas and rubber bullets to stop the protestor in many cities of Bangladesh. The government has also deployed the parliamentary forces and the schools and universities of Bangladesh are closed until indefinite time.

At least three students are reported to be killed in the port city of Chittagong, while another student protestor is told to be dead in Dhaka and another in Rangpur. All of them have signs of bullet injuries. More than 400 student protestors are injured so far, Dhaka Medical College itself treating 300 injured people itself. The United Nations has urged Bangladesh to protect the protestors’ right to peaceful demonstrations.

Demands of the Protestor

image source: The New York Times

The major demand of the students protesting against the quota system in Bangladesh are:

  • The protestor want the government to abolish the 30% quota for the children and grandchildren of the 1971 war veterans
  • They want the government to implement merit-based system for government jobs cause it’ll be fair for all.
  • Reduce the overall percentage of government job under the quota instead of abolishing it entirely.
  • The government should protect their rights for conducting a peaceful protest and demonstration.

They want an equitable opportunity system rather than one based on family backgrounds. The government has refused to meet their demands which lead to violence clash between the students and the security forces as well as the ruling party.

Quota: Explained

Similar to the reservation system based on caste, economic disparities etc; in India. Bangladeshis also have a quota system for 50% of the jobs in Bangladesh which include:

  • 30% for children and grandchildren of 1971 war veterans or the freedom fighters.
  • 10% for women
  • 10% for people who belong to backward or underdeveloped districts of the nation.
  •  5% of the jobs are reserved for the ethnic minorities of the country
  • And another 1% quota is kept for the ones with disability

This quota system leaves only forty four percent of jobs to get on the basis of merit through competitive exams. This put students without the above-mentioned categories in major trouble, this also increase the level of competition in the exams that are made to get merits to earn jobs. Quota system could be very terrible for any country as it usually leads to the selection of lesser advanced candidates.

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Hello, I am Kaumudi Karan Rajput, I am currently a student who is pursuing Bachelor's of Arts in History .


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