Beat the Monsoon Blues: 5 Energising Indoor Workouts to Brighten Your Tuesday Mornings


Monsoons with its never-ending rain and dark clouds usually leave one feeling lazy, low on energy. Paired with the dreaded Tuesday morning blues, it can prove to be more difficult in keeping up your streak of working out. However, do not allow the weather to bring you down! So, here are five really entertaining indoor workouts that not just keep you prepared for your day but also eager and waiting Tuesday mornings.

Dance Workouts -Get Fit Through Grooves 

Who said workouts had to be boring? Dance Workout are really good to stay active and have some fun. Zumba, Hip-Hop or even Bollywood dance: these are all styles that can get your living room transformed into a party destination. Between the exuberant music and exciting foot work you barely even realize it’s a workout! It Helps Cardiovascular Health, Coordination and Flexibility Besides, when you shake what your mamma gave ya it’s also a good endorphin rush which will help to make up for the “depressing” energy of rain (just think about how many choreographers choose rainy days in order to express slow blues music). 

Tip: Find online classes or follow dance workout videos on YouTube to get started. Invite family members to join you and turn it into a fun group activity.


High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Quick and Effective

The most time-efficient and effective workout that exists is HIIT. These workouts consist of doing a move, such as burpees or mountain climbers, for 20 to 30 seconds (or even up to one minute) and then resting before repeating it. This way of doing cardio also torches a serious amount of calories in record time and boosts metabolism long after the workout is done.

Sample HIIT Workout:

– Jumping jacks (30 seconds)

– Rest (15 seconds)

– Burpees (30 seconds)

– Rest (15 seconds)

– Mountain Climbers (30 seconds)

– Rest (15 seconds)

– Squat jumps (30 seconds)

– Rest (15 seconds) 

Repeat this circuit 3-4 times for a complete workout.


Yoga: Find Your Zen and Flexibility

Indoor Workouts Such as, yoga is another good indoor workout to boost physical fitness and it also helps you relax your mind. Yoga: Yoga improves flexibility, strength and balance In addition, the serene breathing and relaxation techniques that M3 helps teach can assist in helping with stress and mood – perfect for fighting off those Tuesday morning blues! 

Begin with rudimentary postures such as Downward Dog, Child’s Pose & few series of warrior poses There are many online yoga classes from beginner to advanced.

Tip: Start with basic poses like Downward Dog, Child’s Pose, and Warrior poses. Online yoga classes are widely available, catering to all levels from beginners to advanced practitioners.

Strength Training: Build Muscle Indoors

Building lean muscle, metabolic booster There is no requirement for a gym, you can start with bodyweight exercises or basic pieces of equipment like dumbbells and resistance bands. You can do push-ups, squats, lunges and planks at home for complete body workout.

Example Strength Training Routine

3 sets of 12 reps on Push-ups

– Squats (3 sets of 15 reps)

Lunges (3x 12 each leg)

3 sets of 30sec Plank

Strength training are those types of exercises that keep your muscles active, so including strength into your routine is good to keep muscle mass longer which in turn helps with overall long term health and fitness. 

Pilates: Core Strength and Stability

Pilates is low-impact workout focusing on core strength stability and flexibility. It’s especially beneficial for improving posture. It helps in reducing the risk of injury. Pilates exercises like Hundred. Roll-Up and Leg Circles can be easily done at home with mat.

Tip:  There are many online Pilates classes available that can guide you through a routine. Even short 20-minute session can leave you feeling energized and centered.



Monsoon season and Tuesday morning blues don’t stand a chance against these exciting indoor workouts. Whether you choose to dance, power through HIIT session or find your zen with yoga, there’s an option for every preference and fitness level. Remember staying active is not only about physical health but also about lifting your spirits and maintaining positive outlook. So, grab your workout gear and turn those rainy Tuesdays into an opportunity to thrive indoors

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