Boldly Beyond: 4 Bollywood Movies That Glimpsed Tomorrow


When it comes to the idea of Bollywood making movies, the remix culture comes to mind. But what I say is that from time to time, Bollywood has come up with certain masterpieces that we failed to recognize by not being able to understand the cruciality of the messages they shared. Let’s talk about

Top 4 Movies from the 2000s That Were So Ahead of Their Time. 

My brother Nikhil

Released back in 2005, this movie dared to talk about serious topics like HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ.Director Onir tells the story of a boy named Nikhil, a bright and talented swimmer, who gets diagnosed with HIV, and his life completely turns upside down. This movie depicted the harsh reality of how society perceives such patients; even his own family accepts his sister Anamika and his boyfriend Nigel. The moral of the story is to not give up, even in the hardest situations when you feel the world is crashing.

I watched it some days ago and realized how My brother Nikhil is a movie that was so ahead of its time. The cruciality of the harsh reality of the theme is what made it a hard pill to swallow back in 2005, something of which I feel if it were released today, the dynamics would be different. 

 Ra One

Anubhav Sinha’s movie Ra One created wonders in India when it was released back in 2011, but it was considered a commercial failure worldwide. This action/sci-fi movie’s plot revolves around Shekhar, who dies after he designs a video game for his son Prateek, where the villain (Ra One) is stronger than the hero itself (G One). Star actor Shah Rukh Khan plays the double role of Shakhar as well as the character G One in this film.

It was released in the days when we knew nothing about VFX. But the good CGI, amazing VFX, a slight comedy, and a good story line are what make it one of the best superhero Indian films of all time. This masterpiece was indeed so ahead of its time that if it had been released in this era, it would inspire the making of more such films.


Directed by Imtiaz Ali, this film was released in 2015. A Bollywood movie, unlike others of its era, tells about the reality of the matrix. How we individuals tend to keep on pushing through a rat race to seek external validation. The story talks about Ved, a boy who, unsure of his dream and potential, is struck by a 9-to-5 corporate cycle and dares to give himself a chance to choose himself after he meets Tara. An extrovert and fun-loving girl helps Ved come out of his life’s tamasha. To me, the story is much more than a romantic film.

Imtias Ali has a history of creating thought-provoking masterpieces, and Tamasha is one of the best among them. Tamasha is more like a rude yet necessary slap that provokes you to look beyond the mold of fitting into a so-called well-settled life, seeking outside validation while still feeling off inside. Tamasha was released in 2015; the plot seemed weak and was not liked by many, but now, after a decade, people are understanding the real meaning it brings to the table.

3 idiots

Okay, don’t tell me you haven’t seen this one.

Rajkumar Hirani’s 3 Idiots will forever live in my heart. With a strong storyline, marvelous acting, memorable characters, humor, and the highly motivating message of choosing the right path for yourself, this movie was amazingly ahead of its time. The plot revolves around Chatur Ramalingam, who is a successful vice president and reminds his old college mates Raju, Farhan, and Rancho of the bet they made to meet after 10 years. He is back in India to finalize a deal with a famous inventor, Phunsukh Wangdu. The story of three engineering students, Rancho, Farhan, and Raju, depicts the pressure of family expectations every student faces. Which is sometimes huge compared to their desire to do something different.

This amazing masterpiece succeeded in convincing the audience of the importance of skills over the ‘Ratta maar rat race’. When I first saw this movie, I was 7; I couldn’t understand much back then. Now that I’m 21 years old, I have watched it numerous times, and this movie still fills me with motivation and happiness. The fact that the character of Rancho in this movie is inspired by the really amazing personality of Sonam Wangchuk in real life makes it even more amazing.

Smeeti Bhanu, a journalism and public relations student. She wields the power of words to explore stories from multifaceted angles. Her adept questioning techniques and investigative abilities allow her to unravel complex narratives, crafting compelling pieces that resonate with audiences. Driven by a passion for storytelling and a relentless pursuit of knowledge, she aspires to make a significant impact in the media world.

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