Is it true that gadgets can cause brain tumors? 


Brain tumors and gadgets : Due to the fact that excessive use of electronic devices might result in serious chronic diseases, people’s health is becoming increasingly concerned in today’s technologically advanced society. When the devices are in operation, they release electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can be hazardous to human health if they are released in large enough quantities. These electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can cause hormonal problems as well as cancer and leukemia. 

Taiwan Study about Brain Tumors and gadgets

A study conducted on a sample of Taiwanese citizens spanning 20 years discovered a marginally favorable correlation between the use of mobile phones and the occurrence and demise of brain tumors (MNB). Over a 20-year period in Taiwan, the average annual percentage change in smartphone usage climbed by 63.4 per 100000 persons, while the incidence and mortality of brain cancer increased by 9.1 and 62 per 100000 persons, respectively.  Smartphone users, brain cancer incidence, and fatalities were estimated to have grown at compound annual rates of 1.95, 1.07, and 2.30 throughout the study period. 

“As stated above, electronic gadgets emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which occur naturally in the environment and are also produced when wireless networks and power lines are used via these gadgets,” says Dr. Bhavna Bansal,HOD AND SENIOR CONSULTANT, Histopathology – Onques Laboratories. Of all the radiation, radiofrequency radiation is the most dangerous since it can directly damage a person’s DNA and have an impact on bodily tissues, including the brain, which can result in serious health problems. 

Interphone study 

Given that brain cancers and electronic devices are being identified as potential causes, numerous research has been carried out to investigate any potential correlations between the two. Similarly, the INTERPHONE study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) sought to determine the relationship between brain tumors and cell phones (as an electronic device). However, until long-term excessive screen time is seen, the study did not yield any such significant conclusions on brain tumors associated with cell phone use. The IARC states that certain forms of brain tumors, such gliomas, may be caused by radiofrequency radiation and that this does not necessarily mean that radiation causes cancer in humans. 

How can it be diagnosed? 

Brain tumors are dangerous diseases that require prompt, accurate diagnosis in order to prevent dangerous consequences. Usually, a neurological examination, brain scans, and, if feasible, a biopsy are used to diagnose it.  

The test assesses neurological abilities such as reflexes, hearing, vision, and balance. Imaging methods such as CT, MRI, X-rays, or angiography are utilized to determine the tumor’s location and evaluate brain activity. Doctors identify the tumor and determine the course of treatment based on the results of other tests if a biopsy is not feasible.  

Additional tests, such as lumbar puncture, evoked potential investigations, neurocognitive assessment, neuro-ophthalmological examination, and endocrinological evaluation, may be carried out to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other disorders. Determining the most appropriate course of treatment requires a proper diagnosis. 


Taking into account the information provided, it is advisable to adopt protective strategies to reduce the dangers associated with brain tumors linked to electronic devices.  

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) pose a threat when the body absorbs them in high quantities. People can reduce their exposure to electronic gadgets. When these devices are not in use, it’s possible to steer clear of direct contact with the body, like with hair dryers, by letting hair air dry or placing phones in bags rather than pockets. 

 By managing the use of electronic devices and incorporating regular breaks for physical activities, the risk of brain tumors caused by these devices can be minimized. 

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