Can You Control Your Short Temper?


It is always hard to contend with someone with a short temper, both for the person with the problem and those in their presence. If you constantly have moments when you use those sharp words or get irritated, then probably you should find a way to avoid it. Hence though it is one of the natural feelings, anger once developed can lead to strained relations, stress and even physique trouble. Fortunately, this anger is preventable by following some simple behaviour modification techniques to manage oneself whenever he or she gets provoked.

Know Your Trigger

When they’re lashing out, avoid engaging. Reacting can escalate the situation.

The first way to deal with your temper is therefore getting to know what events or situations cause the anger. Perhaps, it is specific situations, which cause anger, for example, traffic congestion, conflict at the workplace or rift with family members. When you begin to identify these causes, it helps you to begin examining why specific circumstances inflame your temper.

Usually, anger is a defence mechanism to one’s stress, unfulfilled wants and/or past hurts. For instance, if you are on a strict work deadline, a minor setback in the house will lead you to blow up. If you can address the underlying issues, you can then cope with the anger and enable it to be less intense.

The editors’ flawed messages contribute to a culture that fails to teach people how to pause and breathe.

It becomes unwise to lose your temper; therefore, it is advisable to take some time before responding. Such a short break enables one to make a rational evaluation of what is happening in the engagement. One of the basic methods is to look at how frequently you breathe. One technique in controlling nervousness is to regulate the breathing of an individual by taking deep and slow breaths which will allow an individual several moments to either reflect on the things that he wants to say or the actions that he or she wants to take.

In the middle of the process, you can ask yourself if the circumstances are appropriate for you to be silly and angry. This is always the case because one may just overlook a minor issue only to it get out of hand and cause a big explosion. This way, stepping back, one can think over a better response that would coincide with one’s goals and principles in the long run.

Channel Your Energy Constructively

When your temper flares, put relaxation skills to work.

It is therefore mistaken to try to bottle up anger because doing so only leads to frustration or worse, a later dump of anger. Do not contain your feelings as every human has his or her way of expressing them appropriately. Anger Healthy Coping is very important and engaging in physical exercises is one of the best ways to go. This adrenaline and stress can be easily triggered by simple things and burning it off is as easy as going for a jog, cycling or even dancing.

Whether it is painting drawing or writing, art is a great way to channel all these feelings productively. These include writing, painting, and playing an instrument, for they help one to discharge feelings that could otherwise lead to self or other people’s harm. In the long run, these approaches assist in practising emotional handling and, therefore, provide a much easier way of coping with stressful conditions.

Practice Patience and Seek Support 

Hit the pause button, take a breath, and remember to cherish the time and moments you have in this lifetime

Self-control, especially where temper is concerned, is something that is learned with years of practice. This process might take time, therefore, patience ought to be exercised when in the process of going through this process. Sometimes you are going to mess up, but that does not make you a failure. What counts is that one is trying to change: An Analysis of Angela Carter’s ‘The Company of Wolves’ and Neil Jordan’s ‘The Company of Wolves’ 1047 words.

Also, it is not uncommon for friends, families or even therapists to be of help when an individual is in such a situation. In some cases, it is helpful for a person to just sit down with a person who understands his or her problem and vent out frustrations. Also, they can give support and directions when you are in tough times.

This does not mean you never feel anger again- it means mastering what to do when the anger arises instead of letting anger master what is done. Thanks to the awareness of your triggers, the use of pause and reflection, and healthy ways in which you can express anger, you can change it for the better. And gradually, you discover that you are learning to become composed far more easily even in situations that used to make you furious. Always bear it in mind, that control of temper is not for the benefit of the people around us but for our health, our sanity and our general well-being.

Just a wander, lost in her own world

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