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The accolades from a seasoned financial leader like Jamie Dimon underscore the global recognition of India’s developmental leaps under Prime Minister Modi. Dimon’s call to emulate aspects of Modi’s leadership style in the U.S. reflects a broader admiration for policies that yield tangible results. As nations around the world grapple with internal and external pressures on economic and infrastructural fronts, the model of decisive leadership and ambitious reform demonstrated by Modi could serve as a blueprint for others. Dimon’s observations suggest a growing appreciation for governance that combines practical economic strategies with progressive social policies, highlighting a path that other world leaders might consider for their own domestic challenges.

The Climate Clock serves as a vivid reminder of the urgency in combating climate change. It ticks down the time we have left to prevent global temperatures from rising by 1.5 degrees Celsius—a critical threshold according to the 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to cap warming well below 2°C, and ideally at 1.5°C, to avert severe environmental consequences. As the clock ticks, it reminds us of the ongoing and urgent work needed to safeguard our planet for future generations. Through initiatives like these, CSIR continues to be at the forefront of India’s journey towards a more sustainable and resilient future.