CBSE chapter on “Dating and Relationships”, Tinder India Reacts.


CBSE way in, in tutoring youthful minds about love and connections as they introduced a chapter in Class 9th book for the same.

First love, teenage crush, academy love can be delightful, exciting, and innocent, but at the same time they can be confusing and complicated. Especially when you’re a teenager, understanding the conception of love and how connections work can be gruelling . Living in India, we’re still not familiar or comfortable in talking about these effects with our parents or guardians and thus we generally go for the advice of our musketeers or the internet. But occasionally their advice cannot be that dependable. So now what are these kiddies supposed to do? That is where families and the education system steps up, leading in tutoring the youthful minds to identify bad connections and making them know what a healthy relationship looks like.

Dating and Relationships Chapter in CBSE books

One of the dominating education systems of India, CBSE( The Central Board of Secondary Education), introduces a chapter in Class 9th Books about” Dating and Relationships.” Aiming at making children learn how to handle and navigate connections and love. The chapter’s focus is on addressing recent motifs like,’ ghosting’,’ cyberbullying’ and ‘ catfishing’. The chapter explains the need to understand yourself and other people’s feelings, and why it’s an important factor in a relationship. Quoting,

” A great relationship is about two goods First, appreciating the parallels, and second, esteeming the differences”

Keeping the chapter’s language simple it explains generalities like tiptoeing( the practice of ending a particular relationship with someone suddenly, without explanation, withdrawing from all communication), catfishing( when a person takes information and images, generally from other person, and uses them to attract someone different), cyberbullying( the use of cell phones, instant messaging, social networking spots similar as Instagram, facebook to kill, hang or blackjack someone). motifs like crushes and ”special” friendships are also explained through simple stories and exemplifications.

Responses on Twitter

Images from the book were shared on X( preliminarily known by the name Twitter) by the username @nashpatee.-“9th class handbooks currently,” the tweet read. The people were pleasantly surprised by the images and replied in colourful ways. Some also hailed CBSE for introducing similar important- demanded chapters which are pivotal in moment’s times.

Tinder India’s Commentary

Tinder India also joined the comment section of the following post saying- “coming chapter- style to deal with break- ups”One stoner wrote,” shoot me the book I need to read the whole chapter.” Another reflected,” We were not allowed to indeed be musketeers with boys back also. This is gr8.”A third said,” I suppose it’s a good move. It’s the period of the internet, kids are exposed to lots of stuff. Tutoring teens about” understanding” themselves and their mates will do them good in the long run. perhaps we will eventually be suitable to come out from poisonous cycles.”

A fourth said,” This is actually great. The real growth in the Indian Education System everyone wants to see.” A fifth said,” I suppose it’s a good thing, I just hope the preceptors are actually tutoring these effects and not brushing it off like the reduplication chaps.”A sixth noted,” Good. This is needed. numerous teenage self-murders, depression, and substance abuse are passing in India because of confused love feelings.”Yet another added,” suppose it’s the most applicable way to educate teens how to avoid, choose, and navigate connections in their lives! Courting/ marriage/ relationships/ divorces/ love/ dolor are eventually an integral corridor of life and teens should know every aspect of each before getting into their 20s.”


It’s a progressive step taken by CBSE, this will help teenagers in assessing their opinions in life and in understanding that love and connections are further than just a delusional fairytale. It has its ups and downs. And when you face them how to handle them with maturity rather than fully avoiding it and running down from them. How indeed if you come across a poisonous relationship at any point of time, you should know how to end it duly and not lose your faith in love. What is meant for you, will come for you.

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