Challenge of Nitrogen use in agriculture


Biotechnologist have always amused us by the way they research and find how plants utilise essential nutrients, particularly nitrogen. Recently, biotechnologist at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGU) in New Delhi have discovered the ability of varieties of rice to use nitrogen in India.

Nitrogen is a critical element and place a vital role in synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids and chlorophyll. Research have revealed that different varieties of rice utilise different amount of nitrogen that is required for their growth. Rice is a staple food crop for large population across the world. Therefore, nitrogen efficiency impacts about agriculture productivity and environmental sustainability.

Nitrogen is a crucial nutrient for plant growth and is extensively used in agriculture to boost crop yields.

Source -wikifarmer

Variation in nitrogen used efficiency among rice varieties:

Nitrogen is crucial element for plant development; though it occupied 78% of atmosphere but plants are not able to directly absorb nitrogen through their roots. It is absorbed by ammonium ion or in nitrate form. A large portion of nitrogen applied to fields get lost through various means such as leaching, run off, votalization leading to pollution through emission of greenhouse gases like nitrous oxide. This leads to increase the use of fertilizer posing significant environmental risk.

To resolve all issues, scientist are focusing to enhance the Nitrogen Use Efficiency(NUE) of crops. Nitrogen Use Efficiency refers to maximum yield of crop per unit of nitrogen available.
NUE variations are due to multiple factors like genetic makeup, roots sustainability, physiological,morphological and biochemical forms. Plant varieties which tend to have deeper root systems are often having more nitrogen than normal plant. The same level of nitrogen efficiency is not maintained although.

Biotechnological advances in improving nitrogen use efficiency:

Biotechnologist are always insearch of new technology that can improve nitrogen efficiency. They are in such a rice varieties that have lower nitrogen inputs. This will result to reduce the environmental impact of rice cultivation which will be economical viable for small holder farmers.
Traditional breeding techniques, genetic engineering and CRISPR technology provide the technique to precisely modify the genetic code of rice plants to in hands their NUE. This will also generate enhanced resilience to environmental stresses.

Future of sustainable rice production:

Population is increasing day by day and it is necessary for the future of sustainable agriculture. If not modified, then demand of rice will not be fulfilled which can lead to hunger strike so it’s necessary to take the right step at the right time.There are many people who are incapable of buying their basic needs , dying just because of hunger . They are not able to eat 2 times meal a day. All these genetic engineering become more important to finalize as people are in need of this.

The production and application of nitrogen fertilizers are energy-intensive and costly. This can be a significant burden for farmers, especially in developing regions.Plants often absorb only a fraction of the applied nitrogen. The rest is lost to the environment through volatilization, leaching, or runoff. This inefficiency not only wastes resources but also exacerbates environmental problems.Nitrate contamination in drinking water, resulting from agricultural runoff, poses serious health risks, including methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) in infants and potential links to certain cancers.

Addressing these challenges involves improving nitrogen use efficiency through better fertilizer management practices, adopting precision agriculture techniques, developing crops with higher nitrogen use efficiency, and integrating organic farming practices.To mitigate these issues, a shift towards more sustainable nitrogen management practices is crucial. This includes optimizing fertilizer use, enhancing crop efficiency, and adopting innovative agricultural technologies.we can move towards a more sustainable agricultural system that balances the need for food production with environmental protection and public health.

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