Chandrayaan 3 lander finds that lunar surface does not conduct heat, can be conducted as thermal blanket for human habitat


The Chandrayaan 3 lander has lately found out that the lunar surface does not conduct heat at all which makes it perfectly suitable as a ‘thermal blanket for human habitat’.

There is a temperature difference of almost 60 degrees between the surface of the moon and 10 centimeters below it. The official study-based data from ChaSTE (Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment) is yet to be published.

“Extreme heat non-conductivity of the lunar surface could pave the way for temperature-controlled habitats under it.” Said a senior scientist from Indian Space Research and Organisation (ISRO).

[Source: NASA Science]

ChaSTE is used to measure temperatures by keeping 10 sensors at 1cm distance from each other and then they record the temperature variations when the sun passes over.

The scientist also said, “That gave us the first information about the actual thermal conductivity of the moon. If it is non-conducting, I can use it as a thermal blanket for a human habitat.” 

He further added, “It is like using a blanket during the winter nights – the temperature outside may be low, but if we make a habitat inside, any heat that will be generated will be trapped.”

Lunar surface is known to show extreme temperature variations. The temperature can be as high as 121 degrees celsius during the day time and can go down till -133 degree celsius at night. Sometimes it can go till -246 degree celcius in deep craters.

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