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Winter is a season of snowy dream and abode of cosy bonfire tales yet winter also reminds us our due duty to protect skin, digestive system,bones and overall internal as well as external body. Health determines our mind and spirit to function profoundly under different circumstances.During winter season we tend to ignore the changing need of our body hence we face several common health related issues ranging from cold,dandruff, slow digestion and joint pains etc. There are natural and easily available ingredients and ways which can be categorised as winter partner to cure and prevent our winter difficulties.

Basic self-care routine

For skin and hair: Our skin tissues are replacing old tissues daily while in summer because of damp humidity the sensitivity doesn’t occur visibly, in contrast winter reflects dry(xerosis), dullness and roughness of skin be it scalp and skin all together. This uneasiness on skin inhibits itching(eczema), rashes and cracks on toes. However, we can apply few home-made affordable products namely;

Oil massaging helps to nourish and moisturise skin deeply. Besides since ancient time coconut and mastered oil are treated as all purposeful oil which are omnipresent at any Indian house.

 Aloe vera, Turmeric and Honey are inseparable skin tool to keep skin hydrated and glowing surface. Winter is also a season of wedding ceremony eventually a reason to follow basic skin care routine naturally.

 Drinking sufficient glasses of water can not be avoided to manage a healthy skin. Especially, during winter, we prone to delay drinking required level of water eventually it creates a ‘water crises’ within the body.For digestive issues: The process of digestion reacts with the outside temperature variation. Have you ever noticed the difference between‘feeling hungry’ during summer season and quite opposite in the winner season? Furthermore, acid prone people often complain for indigestion and constipation during winter time. Basically, this minor issue could cause lot of disturbance if we neglect their prevention. Winter tips such as;

 Regular salad consumption alongside daily or night meal and fibre plus seasonal fruit inclusion to our daily diet creates miracle.

 Daily breathing, stretching and walking or jogging can minimise these common problems.

 It is advisable to consume herbal tea for instance; ginger tea orlemon grass tea instead of milk tea.

 Exposing body to absorb rightful substance of D vitamin through sunlight is extremely imperative.

For bones and muscles joints: Bones and muscle related cramps, pain and swelling are mostly seen during winter period among aged group people. In order to escape from the severity of those unwanted discomfort one should adopt few methods to their winter care for instance;

 Abiding a discipline sound sleep for 7 to 8 hours every night produces the needed space for our body to heal on its own.

 Calcium rich and protein-based food are integral part to renew and revitalise our bones and muscles. Particularly an aged person requires to maintain more calcium and protein supplements in comparison to younger counterpart.Basic walking and movement of body muscles to remain fit during winter time is Apart from body care it is equally essential to be proactive in taking care of our mental stimulation. Research has suggested that winter brings mood swings and certain mental distress among few strata of people which is broadly called as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Affected patients are asked to follow practices such as;

 Enjoy sunlight through walking

 Being in natural atmosphere

 Eating balanced diet

 Manage stress etc

“Health is wealth, once it is destroyed there will be no problem except health.” Our hustle life trysts us with daily commitments and hectic work culture. We forget to prioritise our health and fall under the deadly pressure from all around the clock. Fortunately, our body has inherent capacity to heal wounds and renew itself with the help of our willingness and affirmed attitude. Despite gifted blessing generally we ignore bare minimum ways to grant little time to the needs of our body repairment which should be one of the most urgent topic for current generation!

Category: Health/Fitness

Tags: Health, Fitness, Diet, Winter care, Natural remedy

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