The Rare Bolivian Gray Titi Monkey Delasol,  Says Goodbye to Her Admirers In Lincoln Park.


The mother to eight gray titi monkeys, Delasol finally breathed her last breath in Lincoln Park.

Credit : Chicago Sun Times

Delasol was one of the rarest gray titi monkeys to survive this long, given their life span, the  Zoo comments that the average life span of a female gray titi monkey is only around 11 years, but Delasol lived till she was 33 years old, passing away on a Tuesday. Known for their matting for life and sharing parenthood, the Titi monkey varies in size and coloring but resemble each other in most physical ways.

The Callicebus donacophilus or the Bolivian Titi Monkey rather known as the Bolivian Gray Titi Monkey originated of the titi monkey from South America are arboreal animals that form small family groups with two parents and several offspring. The Bolivian gray titi are also known by various other names such as white-earned titi. These  Bolivian gray titi mainly originated from the forest surrounding the major Bolivian city of Santa Cruz la Sierra and the northward to Brazil. Their appearance is scientifically referred to as “cryptic coloration” which lets them camouflage themselves to avoid predation.  Their presence in forest remnants within urban areas leads to habitat degradation. Apart from their body weight, there is no sexual dimorphism between the males and females.

The chestnut-brown coat, non-prehensile gray tail, and gray face Delasol were among them in Lincoln Park. Over the 12 years, Delasol has given birth to nine gray titi monkeys, creating an impact on the titi monkey population. Lincoln Park has been the home for Delasol and her offspring for the past years celebrated the birth of the offspring.

Suffering from geriatric health issues for a while, she was under monitoring for eight years, but with her worsened health, the zoo decided on the process of euthanizing her, giving her complete rest.  Being the oldest in the Park, the zoo keepers remember the 33-year-old gray titi monkey to have a great impact.

“In her 33 years of life, Delasol greatly impacted every person who had the privilege of knowing her,” the Lincoln Park Zoo said in a statement. “We’ve always said she is the queen of Primate House; it’s her world and we’re just living in it. Although she was small, she had a quiet confidence and strength about her.” Says the Zoo.

Famously known for the physical communication that is used for intimidation, the Bolivian gray titi monkey is fluent in establishing social bonds.

The Bolivian gray titi monkeys are popular because of their appearance and their behavior, the Philadelphia Zoo celebrated #worldmonkeyday.

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