Democratic National Convention Day 2; Obama Backs Harris


The democratic party is sure to encourage Kamala Harris for the presidential candidacy after Biden, former President Barack Obama, is scheduled to give a keynote address to Harris at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Tuesday, with the hope of further strengthening her emerging chances of the presidency. Needless to the former president is keen to influence the future. He surely wants to draw a significant legacy and have his influence in the party’s decision-making process like the recent decision of President Joe Biden to take a step back from the presidential candidate and support Kamala Harris. 

Previously at the DNC, the US President gave his speech. He heartily recalled the moments of accomplishments from his terms. His speech included the ups and downs of his term. He recalled from economic to education bills that were quite controversial but necessary in his tenure. He further continued stating Trump was a “loser” for saying that America is nowhere near a faltering nation. 

DNC saw a surprise appearance of Kamala Harris and conveyed her hearty gratitude toward Biden. Needless to say, the Democrats were enthusiastic and cheered for her speech she called for the last tribute to the departing president. The final decision was taken last July that the President won’t sign up for the reelections. Due to the welfare of the party. Also, many party leaders and allies urged Biden to quit for a presidential candidate because of his age. However, Biden has his thorough support for his vice president Harris, as she is one of the candidates who could fit for the job. 

DNC Speech of Barack and Michelle Obama 

Visibility didn’t affect the popularity of Barack and Michelle Obama. This situation was quite visible through the DNC, when they were on the podium the Democrats roared through the auditorium. 

Obama (Reuters)

The reference to Harris was not missed. The former president and the first lady both commented referring to Harris, considering her as the renewed “hope” for the nation as well as the party. The crowd encouraged them with renewed vigor, the excitement was similar to the situation that occurred back in 2008 when Obama contested for the president of America. It is still to be noticed that since 2008 the Democrats never came close to that huge margin of winning. Also, both politicians cautiously reminded the party that to win the 2024 election they have still a lot of work to do the precautions are not finished yet. 

Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention

After Harris made her surprise appearance at the DNC. Hillary Clinton took the stage, and the former Secretary of State made some robust comments on the Republican party’s Presidential candidate. The sharps appeals were not unnoticed by the people. The former presidential nominee further referred to Trump as a person who only cares for himself rather than the country and its welfare. 

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