DENGUE :Take after these doctor-approved dos and don’ts for a fast recuperation from dengue symptoms. 

Symptoms of dengue fever: Over 400 million contaminations are detailed to the Centers for Illness Control and Anticipation year, of which around 100 million results in sickness and 40,000 in passing. Here are a few defensive measures to help in fighting off dengue. 

 Dengue fever 

Dengue fever is caused by the Dengue infection and spread by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. Carried by mosquitoes and caused by four related infections, this fever has earned its moniker “break-bone” fever due to the strongly joint and muscle torment it can cause. 


During the storm season, dengue fever cases frequently rise. Dr Basavaraj Kuntoji, Specialist, Inner Pharmaceutical at Manipal Healing center, Malleshwaram and Mill operators Street, notes, “In the past month-and-a-half, we’ve seen an increment in dengue patients. Most fever cases in the OPD are turning out to be dengue, with a few requiring affirmation, and every so often, ICU care. It’s critical to perceive early indications and take precautions,” he adds. 


Duration of dengue fever: There are three stages to the disease’s movement. “The febrile stage starts with a tall fever and is went with by body throbs, back torment, eye torment, and migraines,” says Dr. Kuntoji. This organize regularly keeps going three to five days. The basic stage, which can incorporate side effects counting moo blood weight, intense weariness, energy upon standing, and conceivable dying, as a rule starts amid the third or fourth day of fever. 

 ICU care may be fundamental for extreme complications amid this stage, which might incorporate organ disappointment such as jaundice, kidney disappointment, cardiac issues, and aggravated mental state. 

 This arrangement may extend to three days or more. Skin hasty, tingling, and a moderated heart rate are common signs of the mending stage that comes next. 


When treating a fever at domestic, remain absent from diclofenac, ibuprofen, and steroids and instep take paracetamol up to four times a day. Water, coconut water, ORS, buttermilk, and new natural product juices are all great ways to remain hydrated. Snacky side effects like extreme heaving, stomach torment, confusion, or energy upon standing ought to be dodged, and gentler nourishments ought to be expended. If you have these side effects, get therapeutic consideration right once. 

 Hospitalization ought to be considered if your platelet number falls underneath 50,000. If the fever endures longer than two to three days, see a doctor. 

 Dos and Donts 

Do’s: Recognize high-grade discontinuous fever, cerebral pains, back distress, and torment behind the eyes, as well as critical body torment. 

 Maintain a strategic distance from: Be mindful that indications like burning when urinating, solidness in numerous joints, or torment amid urination may not be signs of dengue; instep, they seem be urinary tract diseases or other viral or bacterial infections. 

 Home-based treatment Utilize paracetamol if you have a tall fever. Water, new coconut water, naturally crushed natural product juices, and buttermilk are all suggested.  

Don’ts: Direct clear of ibuprofen, diclofenac, ibuprofen, and steroids as they may raise your chance of dying. Maintain a strategic distance from bundled natural product juices and drinks with air circulation. It is not exhorted to extricate papaya leaves since it can actuate sickness, spewing, and changes in the color of the stools. 

nutritional rules  

Dos: You can devour any natural product, counting kiwis, pomegranates, papayas, and Chikoo.  

Don’ts: If side effects final more than two days, see a specialist and get the essential blood tests instep of depending fairly on domestic medications.  


Dos: Wear defensives adapt, such as long sleeves, pants, shoes, and socks, when you’re exterior and restrict yourself to clean, well-ventilated settings. Apply repellent splashes in the morning and evening to gardens, deplete standing water, and utilize window ornaments, creams, and moisturizers that keep mosquitoes absent. 

Donts: Do not neglect the requirement of taking preventative measures against mosquito chomps. 

 Risk of reinfection  

Dos: Be cautious; dengue comes in four diverse serotypes. It is conceivable to contract another serotype indeed after recuperating from one.  

Don’ts: Never assume that resistance to one dengue ailment deciphers to security against others. 

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