Differences among political parties and RSS


People are shocked that the government with most of its members of RSS took 10 years to lift the ban on bureaucrats joining the organisation; although many of them were RSS supporters. Earlier, it was banned for civil servants to join the RSS as issues such as impartiality can be arose , but current government BJP decided to lift this ban and this is not as simple as it can be seen. It point out deeper issue-the conflict between the constitutional idea of India of a diverse nation and ideology of RSS.It has also mentioned that although RSS has formally distant itself from various political activities since 1947 but still their influences can be seen and can keep an eye over historical view .

Image Source: Editorial news

Ideology of RSS:

RSS ideology can be seen as promoting cultural and spiritual legacy of Hinduism having a vision of secular hindu nation .This decision will bring small nominal difference as many civil servants sympathize with RSS. This organisation has spread across different phases of life when judges openly admit their relationship with it , and the ideas have penetrated both the supporter as well as the judiciary.It does not serve any purpose for not allowing civil servants to join it . Earlier, political parties were supporting RSS informally but through this , they can join in this organisation while still in office.This decision signifies the acceptance of something that was already happening informally .It also gives a recognition of civil servants that are joining RSS towards aligning government institutions with RSS perspective.

Cause of conflicts:

Image Source:The Economic Times

The ideology of RSS as well as the ideology on which we currently expect institutions in the country to run through the constitution. India had witnessed a parallel evolution of politics through two interesting paradigm i.e. Golwalkar Sarvarkar paradigm and Nehru Gandhi paradigm.

1. Golwalkar Sarvarkar paradigm talks that while being away from the RSS, he theorised the arrest forcefully as a morally admissible path for achieving higher goals.It has promoted idea of majoritarism, uncritical traditionalist.

2. According to Gandhi Nehru paradigm, it has sought to evolve a proper understanding of the past, interpretation of tradition that draws it’s logical strength from modernity, a self critical modernity that paved a way to the people that are in agency. When democracy is corroded from within and through democratic people, the first thing is to do recognise the elephant in the room . It is necessary to recognise through the paradigm mentioned above that whether civil servants are banned from joining the RSS.

Imprints of Civil Servants:

The civil servants were supposed to be neutral and impartial with a motive of selfless service but after having this decision, there are chances that it can affect the neutrality of civil services and their selfless service. It is estimated that in future, it can be seen as a compromising situation, the civil servants might be perceived as biased.The promotion of a single religious community’s interests over others could foster divisiveness and exclusion, contrary to the inclusive vision of the Constitution.Therefore, to avoid all these situation ,it is recommended to maintain a clear separation between government institutions and ideological influences that contradict the inclusive and secular principles of the Constitution.

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