Donald Trump in Conversation With Elon Musk; “more oceanfront property” due to the rising sea levels


During a conversation between Elon Musk and Donald Trump, the former President of the United States, airs his thoughts on climate change, the current President, and more.  

The CEO of Tesla and the former President of the United States engaged in a “no limits” discussion through X’s (formerly known as Twitter) feature, Spaces. The interview was delayed by 40 minutes due to what Musk labelled as “technical issues” 

The Limitless Conversations

As the name of the interview suggests, there truly were no lines drawn in the conversations between Elon Musk and Donald Trump. The former President often referred to President Joe Biden as “stupid” during a conversation about how nuclear warming is the biggest threat. Trump continued, “We have five countries now that have significant nuclear power, and we have to not allow anything to happen with stupid people like Biden.”

Trump uses the interview as an opportunity to talk about how he is concerned about immigration, which he referred to as a “zombie apocalypse”. He continued to talk about how there are many immigrants in the U.S., corroborating the term “zombie apocalypse”, to which Elon Musk also agreed. Musk compared the situation at the southern border to the film “World War Z”.  

The Correlation between Rising Sea Levels and Real Estate

In a world where climate change is being actively addressed and attempts are made to undo the harmful effects of global warming, Trump brushed it off as a relatively minor issue. The Republican candidate goes on to mock the reality of rising sea levels by telling Musk “You’ll have more oceanfront property, right?” after which he talks about nuclear warming as a bigger threat than climate change. 

Military Policies and Iron Dome

The former President put out the idea of developing a missile defence system that resembles Israel’s Iron Dome which Trump describes as the world’s best Iron Dome. He continued, “We’re going to have the best Iron Dome in the world… because it just takes one maniac to, you know, start something.” He stated that the Iron Dome would be able to protect the U.S. from potential threats. 

Elon Musk’s Role in Campaigning and Future Political Endevours

Trump’s campaigning has resorted to using celebrities and entrepreneurs with influence on a younger, male demographic. It is to be assumed that with how many young men idolize Elon Musk, his support for the Republican is going to result in supporters from that particular demographic. Donald Trump in Conversation With Elon Musk; “more oceanfront property” due to the rising sea levels

The CEO of Tesla also implied a possible role he could acquire if Trump makes the government, with the development of a government efficiency commission in order to reduce unnecessary spending. Trump seemed interested in the idea, even referring to Musk as the “great cutter”, bringing back how the CEO drastically reduced the staff at X upon acquiring the social media platform. 

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